The Dad's Point Of View

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Nathan's POV
I wasn't completely sure if Y/N was up. I go to her room. She was under her blanket pretending to be asleep. I knock on the door frame. "Five more minutes", she whines. She obviously was doing something she wasn't supposed to under that blanket. I sneak over to her bed and pull her blanket down. "Aaaaaaaah the light! It's killing me!", she says trying to be dramatic. Surprisingly she was actually just sleeping. "Why?", she asks me. I knew she was referring to getting up "so early". "We got a video to film!", I say. She rolls onto her stomach. "Five more minutes", she wines again. "Fine, but then you are also getting pranked", I reply. She jumps out of bed. "No I will wake up now!", she says. I knew she didn't want to get pranked. But she was not the one we were pranking. That was going to be Gabe and James. "Get changed and follow me", I say. She nods. I exit her room and close the door. I wait for her to come out. Our first prank was good. I played this before on Gabe, but we were going to do it again on him. So that he would not expect it a single bit. Y/N exits the room. "Alright where to?", she asks. "Shhhh", I go. She nods. "Who are we pranking?", she whispers. "Gabe and James", I say. "Who?", she says louder than I wanted. "Gabe and James", I whisper again. "Oh", she says. We cautiously walk to Gabe's bedroom. He was sleeping (it was literally 2 in the morning). I was holding a box of legos and Y/N was holding a camera while filming me. We enter Gabe's room. Clunk, goes the legos. Gabe stirs. He makes a little moaning sound. I laugh quietly to myself. I take out the legos one by one and place them on the floor. After a couple of minutes to doing that, I get bored so I just dump the whole thing on the floor. Now Gabe really stirred and moaned quite loudly. "Nathan five more minutes", he whines. I take the camera from Y/N and quickly hide it. Y/N sneaks out of the room and I go to the doorway. I then acted super mad like I was going to fire Gabe. "Gabe!!!", I yell. He jumps out of bed. He steps on the legos super hard. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, NATHAN!!!", he yells at me. He was wearing socks. I could tell they were red and bloody. Ouch. He runs out of the room (hops on one foot). He left bloody trail. Well that was nice! More for me to clean up! Y/N walks back in the room. "Well it looks like someone is in a good mood", she says clearly talking about Gabe (yes she was being very sarcastic). "Alright on to James", I reply. "Ok", she says. We sneak over to James' room. He was in the shower. (They spent at least a hour on that last prank). "Alright for this next prank we are going to dump some trash on James.", I say to the camera Y/N was holding. I take the trash can and take out some trash. Next I took out a balloon and filled it up with the trash. I enter the bathroom very quietly. I go over to the shower and open up the balloon. I spill it on James and run out. BRO WHAT THE FLIP!?!", he yells. Gabe walks in. He had a bad face on that said everything. James comes out of the bathroom. Gabe didn't want to be blamed so he ran and slammed the door. The memory of the last video I did this came to mind. The rest was just a blur. For a week James wouldn't talk to Gabe. And for a month, Gabe wouldn't talk to me.

Chapter: 13
Word Count: 659

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