??? Or M***e

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The next day...

??? POV
I was recording a video for my channel while in a cab. When I get a text from Preston.

P - Preston
? - Random dude that will be revealed later in the chapter, but for now is a random dude.

P Hey M***e. Are you at Miami?

? No. I currently in a cab going to Dallas. In fact I have been in it for at least a half hour.

P Oh, well M***e meet me at the closest Starbucks to my house.

? K. See ya soon.

P Cya

I put my phone down and ask the driver if he could take my to a Starbucks, cause we just happened to be extremely close to Preston's place. After a good ten minutes we are there. I see Preston waiting. I pay the taxi driver and take my backpack. I go over to Preston, who was intensely looking at his phone. I peek over his shoulder without him realizing. I see Nathan was texting him. In one text from Nathan it said: "I punched Gabe in the face hardcore. I feel soooooooo bad! What should I do to make it up to him?". He spent the time to type soooooooo, so why should he care? ..................................................................................... EXACTLY HE DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say "Hi Preston!", and Preston jumped. "Oh, hi M***e.". "What did you want to see me for?", I ask. "Oh, I wanted some comfort.", he replied. "Why couldn't Bri help comfort you?", I ask, not knowing if they divorced or worse Brianna got hurt or even killed (if you live with Hermione, expelled!) "We got into a fight. She said the only for her to talk to me for long-term again was if I got her Starbucks.", Preston explained. I nod my head. "Can I recommend something?", I say. Preston nods and says, "Go ahead". "Get her an expensive and delicious drink.", I say. "Which one?", he asks. "She like caramel", I ask. He nods. "Get her the Iced Caramel Macchiato", I say. He nods. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?", I ask. "M***e, I don't think I want to do YouTube much longer. Should I quit?", he asked. I had the urge to say "Why would you ask me, meanwhile there is Nathan living MUCH closer to you", but I didn't. "I would stay on the platform", I said. He nods. "Alright see you around", he said. "See ya", I reply. I leave and go to Nathan's house. He had quite the mouthful of explaining to do. I decide to just jog over. But then I realized I was in Dallas and he lived in Houston. I pull up Google Maps and see how long it would take. Here is a picture of it.

It said from Dallas to Houston, if I were to walk nonstop it would take 3 days and 16 hours

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It said from Dallas to Houston, if I were to walk nonstop it would take 3 days and 16 hours. I decide to just jog for two hours, then call a taxi. I did so. It took a little while to get there. Eventually I do though. I pay the driver and get out of the taxi. Nathan's house was sick! I go and knock on the door. A small girl answers, who I presume to be Nathan's daughter. "Who is it!?!", I hear Nathan ask. "Don't know", the girl replies. "Ask", Nathan says. "Hi what's your name?", she asks. "Moose", I reply. "The Moose?", she asks.

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