Far Off In The Corner

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Gabe's flashback...

I enter chemistry class. I was bored out of my mind even though we hadn't even started yet. James comes over and sits next to me. Nathan sits at the table to my left. At the table to the right of mine sat Preston (I know they are not the same age, but please just forget that fact right now). I take out my text book and prepare for the most boring lesson of the day. As we were about to begin class, a woman around my age enters the room. She started talking with the teacher. The teacher nodded and attempted to grab the class's undivided attention. The class did not stop talking and so she tried again. Once again the class did not stop talking. Finally, she yells. Like, really, really, really, really, really, really loud. Like, so loud that you would think the penguins and polar bears on Antarctica can hear you. "Today, class, we have a new student. Please welcome Brianna.", Mrs. Carbon says. "Preston, please show Brianna where to sit.", she adds. Preston nods and walks to the front of the class. I see... Briuuna? I don't think I heard her name right. But I thought I saw her blush as Preston walked up to her. I think Briunna had a crush on Preston. Maybe even though they just met. As Preston turned to take Bri back to their seat, I could tell he was slightly blushing. We finish a boring lesson about 30 minutes later. The strangest thing about the class was that Briunna barely ever looked away from Preston. I pack up my books and begin to walk to my locker. As I exit the room, the three bullies (Harold, Kyle, Prince, and Junior) follow Briunna. I payed barely any attention to them though. I open my locker door and put my books in. I turn around to go to my next class and see Preston looking at Briunna. They both blush. I close my locker door and prepare for the rest of the day. I begin to walk when I see the three bullies go over to Briunna. Preston goes to help Briunna. I begin to walk over to help. Preston and Harold begin a fist fight, witch results with Preston laying on the floor, unconscious. I go in front of Briunna and punch Harold in the face. He does the same to me. I try to stand and fight.  I felt all dizzy. No one was really paying attention to me though. I could tell Briunna was making sure Preston was alright. I take punch in the stomach and fall to my knees. By now everyone was coming over for the heated fight. Nathan and James come to help. After withstanding a few more punches, I faint.

Gabe's POV

I actually was in it...

James's POV
I walk to my room and go to get something. This thing could probably solve the whole mystery of the bell-thingy. I look through every drawer, until I come to the last one. And in it was this:

(if you have problems reading it: Dear James, I heard a weird noise today in school

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(if you have problems reading it: Dear James, I heard a weird noise today in school. It was much more annoying than a doorbell, but sounded so much like one. You think you know what it was? Sorry if I am bothering you. Your friend, Preston.)

Yeah it isn't much. Just Preston literally explaining what he heard that day!!!!!!!! You know just saying. We had multiple other ones like that. Such as:

(If you can't read it: Dear James, Ghank you for the words of advice

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(If you can't read it: Dear James, Ghank you for the words of advice. Now that I think of it, it only happened when Brianna was getting bullied. Thank you, -Preston.)

I pulled out a few more from my drawers and ran down the stairs with them in my hands. I run over to Bri and begin to catch my breath. "Here", I gasp. I was out of breath, it had felt like I had ran a 100 meter dash in 1 second. I hold out the letters to show Brianna. She takes them from me and begins to read them. "Interesting", she mumbles as she looks through them one at a time. Finally, she stops and looks at me. "Where were these?", she asks me. "On my drawer", I reply. She looks back at the letters. To be completely honest they were in amazing condition for being over 5 years old and being paper. Nathan, Gabe, and
Y/N all look at the letters one at a time.     Y/N comes up to me. "How old are these letters?", she asks me. "About 5 years old". I reply. She looks at me. He eyes wide with awe. "They are in perfect condition though...", she trails off at the last word. "I guess I am just really great at keeping them in one piece, that's all.", I laugh. Everyone stood there in awkward, utter silence. "You know this may be a hint to something about this doorbell-thingy and Preston", Nathan points out. I had the urge to yell, "It legit says that in the message.", but I instead did not. Brianna hands me back all the letters. We just stand there in an uncomfortable type of silence.

Brianna's POV
James had letters from Preston. They were at least 5 years old and on top of that in mint condition. No one really talked for a bit. Everyone stood in the same spot, paralyzed by though. Well, that s, everyone but Y/N. She was much different. She was full of surprises and much more than what met the eye. She makes eye contact with me. She seemed to have an idea. "Y/N", I begin. She looks up at me. "Can you follow me?", I ask. She nods and we exit the room. "Do you have any ideas? I mean any at all.", I ask her. "Yeah, one", she states. "Go on", I insist. "I don't know, but I could tell from the letters it only happened when you were around... and being bullied. I mean I think it reminded him of bad times with you.", she says. Wow, Y/N was much smarter than she seemed to be. No wonder Nathan adopted her. I would too if I could.

Chapter: 20
Word Count: 1055

Hi guys, this is going to be my only post on any of my stories for a few days. Not going to be on Wattpad tomorrow, the day after that, and the beginning of Sunday. Thank you for understanding! Feel free to read some of my other stories to pass the time. Have a great day/night y'all!

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