New Name?

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Still Nathan's POV
"Hey Gabe", I say. Gabe just ignored me. By now this was just the usual. "Hey Y/N", I say as I walk up to her. "Hey Nathan", she replies. She had a gleam in her eyes that showed she was about to ask a question. "Spill it", I say. "Is it weird that I call you Nathan, meanwhile you are my adopted father.", she says as if she had been holding that back for a while now. "I mean you can call me what you want to", I reply. "Ok how about 'Dad N'?", she asks. "Sure", I say. Y/N does a little thing with her arm meaning she was happy.

An hour later...

Jordan comes up to me. "So, you want to film today?", he asks. I shake my head no. "Why not?", he asks. I shrug my shoulders. "You are filming", Jordan states. I nod my head in an agreeing manor. He walked away, looking extremely pleased with himself. A couple seconds later, I have the same conversation with James. But this is what James said, "Hi Y/N! Can you pleassssssssse film with us later?". I already gave into Jordan, so I gave him a thumbs up and he walked away. What was this video going to be anyway?

During the video...
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to be pranking my friends in 10 different ways!", Nathan says excitedly to the camera. I was standino the introduction, but my mind was somewhere else. "You ready, Y/N?", Nathan asks. I nod my head. He motions with his hand to follow him, so I do. We did lots of things to Gabe and James. For the first prank we replaced all of their books with baby books. For the second prank we made a pizza with hot sauce on it instead of regular sauce. For the third prank we replaced their beds with legos. For the fourth prank we tied all their shoelaces together. For the fifth prank we shrunk all their merch. For the sixth prank we filled buckets up with freezing water and poured it on them. (Which both screamed like girls when it fell on them). For the seventh prank we replaced all the drinks with water. For the eighth prank we locked them out. For the ninth prank we told them to meet us at a place that didn't exist. Finally, for prank number ten we left them stranded somewhere for an hour or so, and no, they couldn't just walk back. We left them in Dallas. (It would take a little over 3 days to walk from Dallas to Houston, fun fact). They were angry at us when we picked them up. They refused to speak the whole time. This is how the conversations went the whole journey home:

"Hey James. Hey Gabe", Nathan would say.

And that was that. Nothing more. Just the sound of the car driving, the wind blowing, and Gabe snoring. Don't tell anyone this, but Gabe's head was on James's shoulder. James was on his phone and didn't realize it, but wow, what a sight! Ding, goes someone's phone. It wasn't mine, that was for sure. Nathan pulls over and looks at his phone. Indeed it was him. He exited the vehicle so he could have a more private conversation. James puts his phone away and Gabe stops "sleeping". "Hey Y/N!", they both say. I gave them a questioning look. "We were faking it, we are not mad at anyone, but we want Nathan to think we are mad at y'all", James says. "So don't tell him!", Gabe adds. I nod and they go back to their little act. Nathan comes back in the car and starts driving. "Hey what was that about Dad N?", I ask. "Work", he replies. I nod. I see the beautiful country scenery. Accept something looked off. "Dad N stop!!!!!", I yell. He immediately pulls over. There was a man laying on the street. He was all bruised and beaten up. We helped him out a little. We brought him to a place he could recover, and supplied him with food and water. Poor man.

Chapter: 14
Word Count: 711

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