New Friend

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An Orphan's POV
I walked down the stairs of the orphanage where I found myself in an office. I had gotten in trouble once again. I'm sorry, I am new to this. Am I doing it right? Did I forget something? My name, right. My name is Alex, but you can call me what you want. So as I was saying; I walk into the office to meet unwelcoming eyes. "Hello again Alex.", the Head Mistress greets me. "Good morning Mrs. Annetta.", I respond. Her name was Georgia Annetta. "Good morning", she says in her usual dreadful tone. "Do you know why you are here?", she asks. "No.", I reply. I was obviously lying. I knew why. "You see wh-", she gets cut off by someone walking in the door. "Are you Mrs. Annetta?", a familiar voice asks. I turn my head to see my favorite YouTuber standing in the doorway. It was PrestonPlayz. His wife, Brianna, was standing right next to him. "Yes I am. Are you Mr. Arsement?", she asks. "Yes.", Preston replies. "Oh ok. Why don't you follow me then.", she says to them. She signals to me to go up to my room. I nod and get up. They all leave. When they were fully out of sight, I went to none other than my friends room. Not mine, but my friends. I get there and walk in. My friend, Jacob, was sitting on his bed. He had his phone in his hand. We had both worked part-time jobs together to earn money. We ended up with enough for the IPhone S. It was able to play YouTube. He seemed to be watching Preston's channel. He didn't notice me at first. "Hi Jacob.", I say. Jacob jumps and hides the phone. He looks up. "Oh, it's just you.", he says. Yeah, so when I said we worked the part-time jobs... Mrs. Annetta didn't know... soooo this was a big secret from her. "Yeah it's just me. Don't worry.", I reply. "You know who I saw downstairs?", I add. "No, who?", he asks. "PrestonPlayz!", I almost yell. "WHAT!?!", he yells. I close the door and sit on his bed next to him. I begin to tell him the whole story. "So I got in trouble.", I start. "Again.", he says in a sarcastic tone of voice. "Yeah.", I say as I rub the back of my neck. He laughs. I continue telling him. "So Mrs. Annetta was about to yell at me, but then someone walked in. He cut her off and when I looked to see who it was, it was PrestonPlayz and BriannaPlayz.", I finish. "Wow...", he says. I could tell he had a lot of possibilities going through his mind. "Yeah.", I reply. "All boys age 12 please come down to the office.", someone on the speaker calls. Jacob and I make faces at each other. "Let's go.", I say. "Yeah!", he says. I was 12, butJacob on the other hand wasn't... yet. Only 2 days left until he was 12. He didn't have to tell them. We get there and go on the line. There was only about 15 kids on the line. Some were almost 12. Some were much younger than 12, but were tall enough to get away with it. I was in the back of the line. Jacob was right in front of me. At the front of the line was Mrs. Annetta. She was telling kids who were not yet 12 to go back to their rooms. Finally, Jacob gets to the front. "Jacob. You are not 12.", she says to him in a soft tone. The type you would only hear if there was a couple trying to adopt. "I am not right now, but in 2 days I will be.", he says. "Fine.", she says. She moves out of the way so that Jacob could go by. "Alex.", she starts. I look up at her. She smiles at me. "I think you are going to like these people she says. Jacob comes out and I go in. I sit in the chair and have the same conversation I always have, but this one felt different. "Hey bud, what's your name?", Preston asks. "Alexander, but you can call me Alex.", I say. "Hi Alex. I'm Preston and this is Brianna.", Preston says. "So, what is your favorite thing to do?", he asks me. "Well, I like to watch your YouTube videos.", I say. "Really.", he says. "Yes.", I nod. "Which ones do you watch?", he asks. "Both.", I reply. "Cool.", he says. We continue on with the questions and the next thing I know is that I am saying my final goodbyes. I finish packing and then go downstairs to my new family. I get in their car as we drive to their house. I smile to myself as I loo out the window of their Tesla. So far today was a good day...

We were eating lunch. All of a sudden Nathan's phone starts to go off. The ringtone was so annoying. It was a girl with the highest-pitched scream ever. "My ears.", James jokes while covering his ears. I laugh. Almost everyone was covering their ears. Even Nathan! "Hello?", he answers. "Hey Nathan, guess what.", Preston says. They were on speaker phone. "What?", Nathan asks. "Go to your front door.", Preston says. "Okay?", Nathan says as he gets up and walks towards the front door.

Alex's POV
"We are taking a little detour.", Preston announces. "Okay.", I reply. We pull up to a gate. The gate opens and we drive inside. There was a house on a private island. It had a beach and a smaller island along with it. It was the coolest place ever. "Where are we?", I ask in awe. "Alex, welcome to Unspeakable's house.", Preston says. I had only heard of Unspeakable from the vlogs he was in on Preston's channel. I hadn't realized where he lived. We pulled up. I get out of the car and see a tank. It read "Unspeakable" on the sides. My eyes widen. This place was absolutely amazing. I knew I wasn't staying here, but I also knew that Dallas was far away and that I was probably staying here for the night. We all walk up to the front door. Preston then calls Unspeakable. "Hello?", Unspeakable answers. "Hey Nathan, guess what.", Preston says. "What?", Unspeakable asks. "Come to your front door.", Preston says. "Okay?", Unspeakable replies. The door opens a few minutes later revealing a man with a backyards baseball cap and a t-shirt that read "Unspeakable". I could see several other people inside. They were sitting and talking at a table. "Hey Preston!", Nathan says while giving him a "bro hug". Jacob and I did that all the time. "Hi Bri!", he says to Brianna. He then spots me. "And who are you?", he ask me in a nice tone. "I'm Alex. And you are?", J respond. "Unspeakable, but you can call me Nathan.", he says. "Okay.", I reply. The rest of the day was a blur until dinner. They had a nice meal, but who really caught my attention was... I don't know her name. I think it was Y/N. But she seemed around my age and she was really funny as well. We were sitting across from each other. Somehow we kept making eye contact. I looked at her for a second and at that same second she looked at me. I didn't know if I like her, but I might of. I push my mind away from that and try learning about everyone. There was a man that had a hat on, but was a little taller than Nathan. His name was James. Then there was a hug with a beard. His name was Gabe. For no particular reason everyone was bald except for Y/N. I put those thoughts to the side and thought about after lunch. They had made a winter fun park in their backyard. Alright they actually just filled with snow and took out tubes and yeah. That stuff. We were doing it for about 4 hours until it started to rain. We had to run inside because it was a hard fall. But now we were here. Eating dinner. Life was getting better every second of the day. We ended up having to stay here for the night. I had to sleep on a couch. Well, I really didn't have to. I volunteered to. I thought that when I would wake up, I could go explore the place. I didn't think it was the greatest plan, but it was still a plan. I was the only one sleeping on a couch. So no one see me exploring unless they saw me upstairs. I would explore that later on. An hour went by and I had explored almost the whole property. I was running non-stop and ended up sleeping in for another 3 hours. Honestly the couch wasn't that bad of a bed.

Chapter: 22
Word Count: 1520

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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