Chapter 14: Walking home (NaLu)

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I asked Lucy if she wanted me to walk her home and she accepted. I just thought "Yes! I can't believe that me and Lucy are gonna be alone!" I was so happy. She nodded shyly and was still blushing. Gray and Fumiko left together too, so I'll see what Gray tells me tomorrow. Also Happy and Carla.

Anyways, Lucy and I walked to her house. It was night and you could hear the crickets. It turned out pretty awkward as we walked, so I went ahead and talked.

"Hey Luce."

"Yeah?" She blushed.

"You sang really good back there. You have an awesome voice." I grinned and she said "T-thanks, you were pretty cool too."

I laughed. She was so shy, I wonder why.


Natsu said that I have an awesome voice! Like, what?! I mean, I don't sing that good, right? Even though, it was so nice of him to tell me that. He is so sweet, I can feel my face blush. I hope that he doesn't notice it.

We kept walking to my house which was about 15 minutes from the club. We kept walking, "This is so awkward." I thought.

I then asked "Hey Natsu, why did you choose that song?"

He shrugged and said "Because I... I thought that you would like it, ya know?"

"Oh." It's all I replied.


Man! I almost tell Lucy how I feel but, I think it's too soon. I mean, does she even like me?! Does she hate me?! *Sigh* I don't even know what does she think of me. I know! I heard that she loves reading, right? Then I should ask her to go the library? Probably is not a bad idea. Maybe to the movies to see a scary movie like Paranormal activity or something.

"Hey Luce. Wanna come tomorrow to the movies?"

She then asked "Um... what movie?"

I then thought "What movie? If I tell her that we're gonna see a scary one,then, she will never come with me!"

I then replied "It's a comedy movie." I totally lied.

"Oh! Really? I love comedy movies!" She smiled eyes closed.

I then thought "He he he... can't wait 'till she hugs me tomorrow."


Ok, so, Natsu just asked me to go to the movies with him. Is it a date? *I shook my head* Nah, maybe it's just as friends. I mean, why would he like a girl like me? I've got no looks or anything like him. *Sigh* I just wish myself good luck.

As we walked we got to my house and Natsu said bye but, when I turned back to see him. He turned around and said "Hey Luce! Get ready for tomorrow!"

I nodded and blushed. I entered my house and ran upstairs to throw myself to the bed and squeak. I was so blushing. I mean, am I really going on a date with Natsu? Does he like me? I groaned and said "Whatever, I'll just figure it out tomorrow. Even though, I won't be able to sleep now!"

I took a shower and putted my pj's on. I then went to sleep.

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