chapter 5

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Xenia POV

I can't believe this I'm sitting next to that asshole. I pull out the chair roughly then drop my books on the table causing a loud bang. I take my sit and when I have settled in I look around and see that everyone is looking at me. I smile sheeply and sink in my seat. Oh God I did not expect my first day to go like this. I can smell his intoxicating perfume from here. I wish I can just hug him so I can smell his sent. SNAP OUT of it Nia he was rude to you and probably hates you because you hit his balls with a book but I couldn't care less.

"Okay since I see everyone is unhappy I am satisfied with my results, let's just hope you will listen in my class so my name is Mr Ducheman and I'll be teaching you math." More like duche bag I mean who in their right mind would take that last name if that was my last name I would change it. I rolled my eyes at his last statement, why tell us that you are teaching us math if we already know that.

"Miss carter do you have anything better to say since you just rolled your eyes." Everyone turns to look at me and I blush in embarrassment. "No" I answer him with slight annoyance in my tone. "No what miss Carter I expect you to address me by my full name." I quickly get annoyed because I'm the center of attention and I hate it and I say something without even thinking. I say what's on my mind. "No Mr Duche bag"  my eyes widen at what I just said and immediately cover my mouth with my hand.

The class laughs at my comment and I see a very angry teacher and I feel like I could run away. "Miss Carter I will not except disrespect in my class please get out." Oh no I can't get in trouble on the first day of school. "I'm sorry Mr uhhhhhh sir, I apologize for my actions." I could not trust my mouth so I don't call out his last name and I'm really trying hard to not laugh cause you could really smoke coming out of his ears and his whole face is red.

The lesson went quite well but the looks I was getting from Mr duchemam were deadly but I couldn't care less because Kieran scent was very distracting. I enter my next class which is history. I sit at the desk that is available for two."Morning Eveyone I'm Mrs Collins and I'll be your history teacher for the year, before we start I would like to...


The door is pushed open and it connects with the wall. I look at the culprit and its non other than him. I groan loudly without intending to and it makes people look in my direction. What is it with me attracting so much attention today.

"Mr Thompson welcome. please don't sit at the back this year sit in the front front for a change or next to that lovely lady over there" she points her finger at me and I look away acting like I was minding my own business.

I look around and see 3 sports available one at the back, one at the front and the last one next to me. He gives it a thought first then walks straight to me and we look at each others eyes. I watch him sit next to me and my eyes widen and I choke on my spit and start coughing. He immediately starts rubbing my back and hitting it softly.

I feel a tingling sensation where he touches me and let me tell you the butterflies in my stomach are going wild."Are you okay" he asks with concern in his voice.Wow this is that first time he has shown emotion but after he realized that he was showing emotion he quickly masked his feelings again.

How does he do that. After I'm done coughing I'm mesmerized by his voice it's so deep and sexy. I blush and look away from his gaze. "Yeah thanks" he removes his hand from me and takes his seat beside me. Everyone was looking at us and I blush more from embarrassment.

"Are you okay Ms" Mrs Collins asks and I nod my head yes course I can't trust my voice. "OK so let us continue. I am going to give you an assignment to do with a partner based on the topic we will do today and please don't only use the books that the school has provided do your own research too. Oh and before I forget your partner is the person sitting next to you and as for Shawn over here" she gestures to the guy at the front. "You could choose to whether do the assignment alone or join another pair. My head turns so quickly to look at Kieran that I could swear I heard a crack. He is not even fazed by the situation he is just. just.

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