chapter 16

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Xenia POV

I can't move. I'm busy staring at Kieran's huge erection and I can't take my eyes off of it. My brain says look away but my eyes won't listen. It's like they have a mind of its own. His hands are trying to cover his erection but its not working. His erection is very and I mean very visible. Kieran is also not moving its like someone put a freezing
spell on us.

Kieran cleared his throat and said " like I'm gonna go bye" he didn't even wait for me to reply and he just got out my car and went back into his house. Wow. That was very awkward. He got and erection just by me touching him by mistake. Wow.

I started driving back home and I started to think about what I just confessed to Kieran. I actually feel great. I feel like a load has been lifted of my shoulders and this is the first time I have ever told anyone about it without having a panic attack. I tried speaking to Xander and shrinks but it really didn't go great so the only thing I could do was keep it bottled inside.

Even though Kieran said it was not my fault I still blame myself for everything. If only I had reacted in time maybe my mother would be clean and my brother would be alive. Ever since I woke up from a coma I haven't visited my brother's grave, mostly because I know I could have saved him but I didn't so I can't bring myself to him and act like everything is okay.

I arrived at my house and parked Xander's car in the drive way. When I entered the front door I was greeted with a wonderful smell that had my stomach grumbling. "Mhhhh it smells so good in here. What are you making" I entered the kitchen and saw Xander buy the stove cooking whatever he was cooking and listening to music. His head phones were in blast mode so I could here very well that he was listening to 'work' by Rihanna.

Xander started twerking like nobody is watching while singing to the song. He held his knees and started go down and up while twerking. Believe it or not Xander is a fan of cardi b, Rihanna and Beyonce. So to make this much funnier I started taking a video of him while chanting "go Xander." He finally stopped twerking when he realized that someone was here. "Oh shit uh Nia. How long were you standing there?" He removed his headphones and set them aside.

"Long enough" I started laughing at what I have just experienced. There are times when Xander is serious but most of the time he is just playful and a bit childish and I wouldn't trade him for the world. "You should really sign up to be one of cardi b's dancers because you would rock the stage maybe even out dance cardi b herself." He started laughing and I joined him.

"So what are you cooking" I asked after tossing myself on the couch. "Just eggs and bacon. I really have to go grocery shopping" I nodded my head and turned on the TV. "So what did you do with Kieran?"

I sighed and said "I told him about what happened but not everything. I just wanted to talk to someone." He nodded his head and came to sit next to me after giving me my plate. "So which part did you not tell him " he asked. "I only told him about the night he died" he just nodded his head. "So how do feel?" He asked "I feel" I stopped to think about how I really felt. "I actually feel relieved. I was holding so much inside that I didn't how to deal with it. Kieran listened to me and he didn't even judge me. He comforted me when I was crying and I'm really grateful to have a wonderful friend like him" he nodded his head after I was done talking.

"So did anything else happen" he wiggled his eyebrows and that showed me exactly what he meant. I started laughing and blushing remembering Kieran's erection earlier. "Nope nothing happened." He gave me a 'I don't believe you look' I sighed and said "something happened but its not what you think"

"Tell me all the dits girl" I sighed again and shook my head. Xander has a really wired personality. Before I could start talking my phone started ringing. "Saved by the ring" xander said. I saw that Abby was calling me and I answered. I walked to the kitchen to put my dishes away then leaned on the island.

Conversation between Nia and Abby.

Nia: hey Abby

Abby: hey Nia how are you doing. Of course you're doing great you know you really have a nice body I think you should be a model.

Then Abby started rumbling about many careers and modeling. I really don't understand what she is calling me for. Before I could ask her to get to the point I heard people saying "get to the point"

Abby: oh sorry I tend to rumble a lot. Funny story actually I forgot what I was calling you for.

I heard a bunch of sighs coming from the other side.

Abby: oh now I remember. We wanted to invite you for a movie night.

I cringed when I remembered my first movie night there when Nathanial tried to force himself on me.

Nia: A movie night. I'm not sure.

When I said movie night Xander looked at me and started shaking his head no. I removed the phone from my ear and blocked the speaker. "What?" I asked Xander. "You always spend time with your friends and we never get some quality time together anymore" he said with a pout on his lips. Xander had a point though. I have been so busy with my friends that I don't even spend time with him anymore.

Nia: maybe another time, I have plans tonight.

Abby: okay then bye.

I hanged up the phone and went to sit beside Xander. I could hear the disappointment in Abby's voice and that made me feel guilty for not agreeing.

"OK so what are we going to do to kill time" Xander smirked then grabbed to remote from the table. "We have to catch up on 'keeping up with the kardashians.' Believe it or not Xander's favorite TV show is keeping up with the kardashians and Total bellas.

We spent the whole night watching keeping up with kardashians and total bellas. I always knew that his favorite kardashians or Jenner's was Kendall and Kylie. He says that when he has kids he is going to name them Kendall and Kylie. Yes that is how much he loves them.

Me again. I don't have a lot to talk about so I'm just going to say what I planned on saying. I'm going to start updating on Thursday's and Saturday's but if I don't update on Thursday I'm going to update on Saturday. It will just go with how busy my week is.

Guys I really like Xander personality. I wish I had a funny uncle like that. Even though Xenia has told Kieran her story, she hasn't told her the whole story so it looks like there is more.


1) so who is your favorite artist.

Me: non I change everyday so I don't have one but at the moment I can say it's Charlie Puth.


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