Chapter 13

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Kieran POV

"So do you have any siblings?" I ask Nia. She doesn't answer and I hear her breath hitch and she starts breathing heavily so I stop the car. "Nia Nia" I shake her but she doesn't respond and her breathed are becoming longer and cut short. I stop the car and run to her side of the car to try and clam her down "Nia breath breath. Come on breath with me come on. Breath in and out" she doesn't listen to me and tears start running down her face. Her face is becoming purple so I do the only thing that I could think of at the time. I Kiss her. I can taste her tears she doesn't respond to the kiss but her breathing comes back to normal. I pull away and she looks in shock. Her hazel eyes are looking at me with shock.

"Are you okay" she doesn't look at me. So I shake her knee. "Nia" she finally looks away from me "yeah" her voice comes out as a low whisper. I thought I was going to lose her. I wouldn't know what to do if she died right in front of me.

Xenia POV

When I answered him my throat burned a bit. I haven't had a panic attack in the last few months. Only because he asked about my siblings. He got in the car and started driving. We stopped at a gas station and he went out to go and buy something. He came back with two bottles of water. "Here" he says "I thought you might need it" he hands me a bottle and I drink it. When it entered my throat it burned a bit but after a while it was fine. "Thank you" my voice came out as a whisper and I don't think he heard me so I repeat. "Thank you" and he just nodded in return.

He drove me home and two police cars were outside the lawn. "Oh no" as soon as Kieran stops the car I run out and go inside the house. Xander immediately indulges me into a hug. I could hear his heart beating rapidly. He let's me go and the look he's giving me is deadly. "Where the fuck were you?" When I was about to answer Kieran comes in and everyone turns to look at him even the 2 officer's. "You again" Xander snaps "you take my niece away from home without informing the guardian. What the fuck is wrong with you." Xander says through gritted teeth. "No Xander it's not his fault. He told me to text you but I forgot and my battery died" I said trying to calm him down and he relaxed a bit. "You out" he says to Kieran and pointing to the door. Before Kieran left he gave me a concerned look, probably thinking about the panic attack I had in the car and I just sent him a reassuring smile then he left my house. "Ted, Joe thank you for coming but as you can see my niece is Here and safe. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Xander said to the two officer's that looked really ticked off. "Have a good day" one of the officer's said and they went out.

"Where were you" Xander said as he put his hands on his hips and I just roll my eyes at him acting like my parent. "Stop standing like that Xan, you're not my dad" his eyes soften a bit then became hard again. "Nia I'm the closest thing you have to a parent and-

"Yeah the closest, your not my dad and you will never be" I know I'm being rude now but Xander should stop treating me like I'm his child. He will never be my dad. No one can replace ever him. Ever. "I know what you are thinking, you think I'm replacing Walter. Nia I agree that I will never be him and I know it. He was one of a kind. I made him a promise to look after you,Karen and your brother and I didn't do a very good job with the other two and I don't want to lose you. You are the closest thing I have to a family. Next time when you go somewhere just please let me know you are safe." He said with a soft voice and I nodded my head. "Now come on I have to teach you how to defend yourself. My heart will be a bit at ease knowing that you can fight." As soon as he said that I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Really" I said jumping up and down. What? I've always wanted to know how to fight. "Yes come on let's start now." We headed to jym and we stated with warm ups and he showed me different type's of fighting moves


3 weeks later
Saturday afternoon

Everything has been going great so far and when I mean everything I mean my defense classes and my social life. "Hey" I looked at the door and Kieran entered. "Hey uh what are you doing here" I got up from the couch trying to ?fix myself since I was a mess. I was watching a movie and laying down on the couch while eating popcorn. My hair was in a messy bun and I was wearing sweats. He chuckled and said "you look great" and I just rolled my eyes at him. Things were awkward between Kieran and I after we kissed but as time went on the awkwardness died down and just to let you know we have not talked about it at all.

Kieran has become better over the last few weeks and he is not so closed of anymore but he still has his moods. "So what are you doing here?" I asked him after making space on the couch and he took his seat. "Xander called me here" I look at him with a perplexed emotion. "Are we talking about the same Xander" he smiled a bit and answered "I was actually shocked to."

"Hey you're here" Xander said after coming down the stairs. "Yeah you called me and how exactly did you get my number?" Kieran asks after getting up from the couch. "I went through her phone" he says casually "what!" I scream.

He puts his hands up in surrender and says "I just want through your contacts thats all" I relaxed a bit when he said that, not that I had anything to hide. "So why am I here?" Kieran asks. "I want to put Nia's training to the test to see how far she is." Xander says and walks to the car while we follow him. "So what exactly am I doing here?" Kieran asks again. Xander got inside his car and motioned for us to get in as well. "You and Nia are going to fight" me and Kieran look at each other then we look away again. "I'm not going to fight a girl"

"Why?" I ask him. "Is it because I am weak or something" he puts his hands up in defense and says "no not at all, that was not what I was thinking"

"Is it because you are scared of me." He smirks then says "I'm not afraid of anything" I scoff. "So prove it. If you won't fight me then it just shows that you are afraid of me. He smirks grows wider and he says, "oh its on" I know that Kieran hates to lose and he loves competition and well so do I and I have never lost to anyone and I'm not starting now.

"That's why I called you. You both love competition so I know that you are going to give it your all" we arrived at the gym and we went to the wrestling mat. I took of my zip up sweater and I was left with my blue sweat shirt. Kieran took of his black hoodie and was left in a black shirt. I can see his muscles bulging as he moved and stretched.

"Ok the first one to be down or tap out is out" Xander says and takes a seat on a chair. "Fight" me and Kieran start circling each other. I wait for him to hit first. He throws a punch to my stomach but I manage to block it. We throw punches back and forth and we both manage to block each other's hits. We are both sweating and breathing heavily. He takes me by surprise by swinging is leg to my leg causing me to trip. He smirks then I take him by surprise and swinging my leg to his leg causing him to fall too. "Come on Nia look for his weakness" and it clicked to me. I'm fighting a boy, why didn't I think of this in the first place. We both stand up and after his up I immediately go for his crouch. "Oh my fucking God" he falls to the ground and rolls around holding his crouch. Xander claps his hands and says, "well done, I was wondering when are you going to see his weakness" I went to give him hug but he backed and said he was not hugging me because of the sweat.

"I'm going to get something so we can celebrate." Xander says and he goes out the gym. "Hey Nia can I speak to you?" Kieran asks after getting up and walking to me, well not exactly walking he was limping. I heard him mutter some curse words under his breath and I inwardly high five myself. "Yeah sure" I take a seat where Xander was sitting before and drink my water. "When you were drunk you said your birthday is in a few weeks. So when is it exactly." I choke on the water and spit it out. "That was four weeks ago right?" And he nodded "when I mean't a few weeks I meant 7 weeks away so basically its 3 weeks from now. Why do you ask?"

"You also said you don't celebrate it. why?" Because bad luck follows me everywhere duh. "I just don't OK let's drop this topic" I stood up from the chair to walk away to freshen up but he pulled my wrist and made me sit back down. "What the fuck is wrong with you" I spat. I really don't like talking about my birthday. "What are you hiding? Who hurt you? Whenever you smile it does not reach your eyes and whenever you try to mask your feelings I see right through you so please talk to me." I stared at him in shock. Wow nice speech. "OK then let me ask something about you. Why don't you allow anyone in your room and where exactly where you during the 2 weeks my nose was broken." He looked away from me. "I don't want to talk about it" I got up from the chair and went to face him "if you don't talk about your shit what makes you think that I will talk you about mine." He didn't answer me so I just went to the shower to freshen up.

God I hate my life

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