No time to get home

726 27 4

Prompt three: War

Okay so, Um, this prompt was suppose to be something completely different. I was gonna set it in the Golden Age and have it based around Beruna, but I really wasnt enjoying writing it and it was a rather boring one shot anyway, so I wrote this today, all today 😂 hope you like it xx

Peter sighed a little as he wondered around the park late one evening, on his way home with Edmund walking beside him, giving him a glare every now and then, much to Peter's frustration.

"You can stop glaring at me you know." Peter snapped suddenly as he stopped walking and turned to face his brother.

Edmund stopped as well and just rolled his eyes. "I bloody well won't stop glaring at you, because you deserve it." He said, voice low.

"How'd you figure that one out?" Peter argued, finding himself glad that the park was empty apart from them two.

"You have to stop getting into fights Peter!" Edmund told him. "I'm sick and tired of having to jump in and-"

"Then don't jump in." Peter cut him off. "It's as simple as that."

Edmund snorted. "So I'm just supposed to stand by and watch whilst my brother gets beaten up am I?" He snapped. "Peter, I'm going to jump in to help you because no matter how much of a git you are nowadays you're always my brother."

"I'm the git?" Peter nearly laughed.

"Yes." Edmund answered simply. "If that bruise on your shoulder doesn't say it then I don't know what will."

Peter glared at him.

"You keep getting into fights and it's not you Peter." Edmund sighed, calming down a little. "What happened to High King Peter?"

Peter continued glaring as he spoke. "He was ripped away from me when I fell back through the wardrobe." He practically whispered.

"No he wasn't Peter." Edmund said. "He's still there, you just seem to of forgotten everything you learnt in Narnia."

Peter rolled his eyes. "He was ripped away from me when you had the idea of going after the stag." He spat.

Edmund swallowed hard. "So you're blaming our return on me?" He said, sounding outstanded... and not in a good way.

"That's exactly what I'm doing." Peter hissed. "I never should've said yes to your idea."

"You were up for it!" Edmund said, raising his voice. "You agreed with me!"

"And its the worst decision I've ever made." Peter muttered. "Now, thanks to your idea about going after the white stag, I'm now stuck here where everyone treats me like a bloody child and acts like they're higher than me."

"You are a child Peter." Edmund snapped. "And you're just going to have to get use to that. We're all feeling the same, me Susan and Lucy. In case it had slipped your mind, we were all kings and queens too, so it's just as bad for us as it is for you, but you don't see us going around, beating people up everytime they so much as tell us what to do."

Peter looked angry. "They shouldn't tell me what to do then." He said. "I'm the High King."

"Not in this world you're not!" Edmund shouted. "When are you going to get that into your head?!"

Peter didn't say anything for a while, before sighing. "Just mind your own business in future." He muttered.

"I bloody well will not mind my own business." Edmund said. "You're my brother, your business is mine too, and I'm sick and tired of you acting like this, what an earth happened to you Pete? Where's the caring, protective older brother I know. The old Peter wouldn't get into fights over nothing, you wouldn't get into a fight and have me have to jump in and get beaten up in the process. That fight you had a three weeks ago, I had a bruise covering my back for two weeks Peter! It caused me agony. All because you got into a fight you couldn't win."

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