You're not a traitor

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Sort of a companion piece to "Brothers" which was requested 😊

Edmund sighed slightly as he sat at the back of the school field, in his own little place he'd found, out of sight from anyone in the field and anyone at all.
His thoughts for some reason went back to the other week, when Peter had punched one of Edmund's former friends because he'd called Edmund a traitor.
Ever since that day though, whenever James came across him and Peter, he'd put his head down and walked straight past, not saying a word or even looking at them.
Edmund couldn't help but feel relieved that James was leaving him alone now, but then again, Edmund had never come across him whilst alone, and although Peter never saw, James would always give him a death glare when he saw him, which had Edmund rather confused as well as slightly nervous.
Glancing at his watch he saw there was fifteen minutes left of lunch, and knew that by now Peter would probably be looking for him, and told himself that he should probably head back to the field.
Standing from where he'd been sitting on the floor he grabbed his bag and flung it over his shoulder, turning to leave.
"Well if it isn't Edmund Pevensie."
Edmund froze as he saw James, stood no more than ten feet away from him, arms folded and a smirk on his face. "Afternoon." Edmund mumbled, attempting to dodge around the boy.
But James quickly blocked him. "Not so fast." He said.
Edmund sighed in annoyance and glanced up at James. "What do you want James?" He spat.
The other boy laughed. "You're such a little traitor do you know that?" He said harshly.
Edmund flinched at the word 'traitor' closing his eyes for just a second before glaring back up at him. "I chose what was right James." He said slowly. "I chose not to bully anymore, and maybe you should make that decision too."
The boy stared at him. "You know I won't do that." He said, rolling up the sleeve of his white school shirt. "I won't become a traitor... like you."
Edmund took a deep breath. "Careful James." He warned. "Remember what happened last time you called me that."
James laughed. "Your brother's not here this time." He spat.
Edmund sighed slightly. "Just let me past James." He said. "I'll be late for class."
"You sound just like your brother." James laughed.
Edmund rolled his eyes. "Maybe that's a good thing in my eyes." He muttered.
"You know I've always wanted to get back at you for betraying me." James spat. "And now I have an opportunity."
Edmund took a deep breath. "I didn't betray you James." He said through gritted teeth. "I just-"
Before he could even finish he felt a fist collide with his face, causing him to stagger back against the wall with a gasp. His hand flew to his nose, immediately feeling the blood dripping from it.
He glanced up at James in shock, having not expected him to actually hit him. Before he could even fight back James walked up to him before punching him in the stomach.
Edmund doubled over, and slumped to the floor, eyes wide in shock and pain.
James managed to give him a few more punches before there was an angry shout from behind them.
Edmund looked slowly up and to his relief spotted Peter.
Peter took a deep breath. "Leave now or I will hit you again." He spat.
Edmund watched, taking deep breaths as James hesitated, but in the end left edging slowly around Peter before running off.
Peter watched him go before turning and running to his brother and falling to his knees beside him. "You okay?" He asked quickly.
Edmund sighed slightly, holding a hand over his nose and nodding. "I think so." He mumbled.
Peter grabbed Edmund's hand and slowly removed it, eyes going wide at the blood. "That bitch." He spat. "How an earth did he have the nerve to do this?"
Edmund sighed again. "It's fine." He mumbled.
"It is not Edmund!" Peter exclaimed, bringing out a handkerchief from his pocket and pressing it to Edmund's nose.
"Thanks." Edmund mumbled, flinching as he moved. "But seriously Peter, please don't go after him."
"But Ed-"
"Peter no." Edmund cut him off. "You got into enough trouble last time, if it happens again you'll get suspended!"
"He should get expelled!" Peter said.
"Peter." Edmund warned. "None of the teachers know what he does-"
"So we should tell them!" Peter said.
"Pete just leave it." Edmund sighed.
Peter hesitated but sighed. "Alright." He mumbled. "Did he hit you hard?"
Edmund shrugged. "Yeah." He said. "But - But she hit me harder so..." he trailed off, not looking at Peter.
Peter swallowed hard. "James called you a traitor again, didn't he?" He sighed.
Edmund sighed too, nodding a little. "Yeah he did." He whispered.
Peter felt a surge of anger run through him, but forced himself to stay calm. "You're not a traito." He said through gritted teeth.
Edmund didn't say anything and looked down at the ground.
"Ed come on." Peter sighed. "That happened more than fifteen years ago, Narnian time."
"I know." Edmund mumbled. "But I still remember every moment like it was yesterday."
Peter sighed sadly. "Let's get you home." He said suddenly.
Edmund frowned. "But school isn't over." He said.
"We'll just tell the teachers that you're not well and I've got to take you home." Peter said with a quick shake of his head.
Edmund nodded, wanting nothing more than to go home and curl up on the sofa.
"Come on." Peter mumbled, helping Edmund to his feet.
Edmund winced slightly, still holding the handkerchief to his nose as he leant slightly against his brother for support. "Thanks." He whispered.
Peter smiled. "No problem." He said gently. "Now let's get you home."

Hope you like it 💘💜

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