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Peter and Edmund

"You sure you're alright Ed?" Peter asked slowly as the two entered their tent after returning from the battlefield after Beruna.
Edmund nodded. "I'm fine." He mumbled, but he sounded rather breathless.
"Sit down." Peter demanded softly as he nodded at Edmund's hammock.
Edmund immediately did as he was told, taking a deep breath.
Peter knelt in front of him, sighing a little. "Ed, I know you're not alright." He said.
Edmund stared at him for a moment before swallowing hard as tears appeared in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked softly.
"It hurts." Edmund choked.
Peter's face fell, knowing exactly what he meant, as his eyes filled with tears. "L - Let's get you out of the armour and into something more comfortable shall we?" He said.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
Peter nodded before standing. "Arms up then." He muttered.
Edmund hesitated. "But-"
Peter swallowed hard. "It'll only be a bit of blood alright?" He said, but he didn't sound like he believed himself.
Edmund sighed but raised his arms, allowing Peter to carefuly slide his battle tunic over his head.
Edmund gasped slightly as pain shot through his stomach, but he tried to hide it.
Peter wasn't stupid though. "Sorry." He mumbled sadly, placing the blood covered tunic on the floor behind him
"Pete?" Edmund choked.
Peter turned back around to face his brother, and his eyes filled with tears when he did.
"A bit of blood hmm?" Edmund said, attempting a laugh, but it came out more of a choked sob.
Peter froze for a moment before he swallowed hard. "Let's clean you up and get you into bed." He forced the words out of his mouth as he grabbed a flannel and a bowl of water from the small table beside him.
Wetting the flannel he wrung it and knelt back in front of Edmund. "Ready?" He asked.
Edmund hesitantly nodded.
Peter sighed as he pressed the damp cloth against the wound on Edmund's stomach, causing Edmund to scrunch up his face and gasp in pain.
Peter hesitated, wondering whether he should continue. "Sorry." He mumbled.
Edmund shook his head. "It's alright." He mumbled. "Just - get rid of the blood, it's making me feel sick."
Peter sighed sadly but continued, heart breaking when Edmund gasped again.
After a while the gasps stopped and were replaced by the occasional wince, but it still caused Peter's eyes to fill with tears.
"Why didn't you leave Edmund?" He said after a while.
"What?" Edmund asked, opening his eyes to look at Peter.
"Why didn't you leave like I told you too?" Peter said, busying himself with cleaning up the blood that had covered his little brothers stomach.
"I had to stop her Pete." Edmund choked, hiding a wince as the flannel touched the edge of his wound. "I couldn't let her hurt you."
Peter froze completely, hand and flannel hovering above Edmund's wound.
Edmund frowned slightly. "Peter?" He asked warily.
"What did you just say?" Peter choked.
Edmund swallowed hard. "I couldn't let her hurt you." He said hesitantly.
"You - What?" Peter stuttered, staring at his brother.
"The witch - she was heading - heading towards you." Edmund mumbled. "So I faced her."
"You almost died." Peter choked. "Saving me?"
Edmund nodded jerkily, not making eye contact with his brother. "You're my brother Peter, I love you, I don't know what i'd do if something we're to happen to you."
Peter's eyes went wide. "And I feel the same way!" He nearly shouted. "I watched her stab you Edmund! I saw you fall! I heard you struggle to breath! And now, knowing that you did it to save me, makes it a hundred times worse!"
Edmund looked rather taken aback, tears filled his eyes as he stared at Peter.
Peter's face immediately crumpled, a look of guilt in his eyes. "I'm so sorry." He said. "I - I didn't mean to shout at you."
Edmund swallowed hard, sighing. "It's alright." He mumbled. "I understand it must of been hard to watch."
Peter shook his head. "No Ed, I must of been a thousand times worse for you." He whispered.
Edmund sighed. "Can we - we not talk about it right now?" He choked. "I just wanna rest."
Peter smiled sadly. "I know." He mumbled, before continuing.
After a long while Edmund was laying in his hammock, a blanket wrapped tightly around him, smiling a little as Peter brought up a chair and sat beside Edmund.
"Get some sleep." Peter said. "Aslan knows you need it."
Edmund smiled a little before closing his eyes, letting out a warm sigh as he did.
Within a minute Peter knew he was asleep, and couldn't help the tears that appeared in his eyes when he remembered why Edmund had smashed Jadis' wand. He did it to save him. Edmund almost died saving his life.
Swallowing hard, Peter ran a hand through his hair. Sighing, he slowly and carefuly stood, deciding to get out of his own armour.
He had a bit of trouble getting his tunic off, what with the pain in his arm from when the witch had pinned him to the floor with Edmund's sword, but he managed it eventually.
Once he was changed (having cleaned up his arm himself) he sank back into the chair beside his brother's hammock, placing a hand on the top of Edmund's head, stroking his fringe out of his eyes.
Edmund whimpered in his sleep quietly, moving closer to Peter's touch, causing Peter to frown a little, looking rather worried. But he calmed down again when Edmund relaxed.
No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get rid of the image of Jadis stabbing Edmund, the memory just kept flashing across his eyes. He swore at some points he could still hear his brothers gasps as he fought for air, trying his best to hold on. Everytime this happened he'd have to look down at Edmund and watch his chest rise and fall for at least a minute before he was satisfied that he was actually alive.
These thoughts were pushed from his mind though when Edmund let out a quiet sob, turning towards Peter in his sleep.
Peter gently stroked Edmund's hair, trying to get him to calm down, but unfortunately this didn't work.
Edmund began tossing his head back and forth, muttering under his breath as tears began to roll down his cheeks.
"Hey." Peter whispered sadly. "Shh. It's okay."
Edmund let out another sob as he pulled harshly away from Peter, a look of terror on his face.
After a while Peter gave up on trying to calm him down and instead decided to wake him up.
"Edmund." He said quietly. "It's okay, it's just a dream. Wake up Ed."
Edmund let out a whimper of pain as the tears continued to roll down his cheeks. Everytime Peter so much as touched him he'd flinch away, letting out a gasp when he did.
"Come on Ed, wake up." Peter said desperately. He didn't dare shake his brother awake, for fear of causing him any pain. "Wake up." He tried again.
"No, please don't." Edmund said, this time loud enough for Peter to here. "Leave me alone."
Peter swallowed hard. "Edmund!" He nearly shouted.
It then seemed that Edmund's dream changed completely.
"Peter!" He suddnely screamed. "No, don't hurt him! Don't turn him to stone!"
Peter swallowed hard. Beruna.
"Ed wake up!" He screamed.
"Peter!" Edmund mumbled, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. There was silence for a moment before Edmund let out a quite gasp, a look of brief pain on his face before his eyes went wide and he sat bolt upright in bed, letting out a terrible gasp, as if all the air from his lungs had been forced out.
Edmund sat there panting, eyes wide, forehead sweaty, and hand gripping his stomach, a look of agony on his face.
"Edmund." Peter said worridly, heart pounding.
Edmund looked over at his brother, still breathing heavily. "Peter." He sighed after a while.
Peter nodded. "Bad dream?" He choked.
Edmund nodded slowly.
"Wanna talk about it?" Peter asked slowly, looking rather wary.
"Not the first half." Edmund said, his breathing evening out as he stared at his brother. "The other half was Beruna." He mumbled.
Peter nodded slowly, he was dying to know what the first half had been about, but if Edmund didn't want to talk about it, then he wouldn't force him to. Instead he sat on the edge of the hammock and wrapped his arms tightly around his brother, pulling him close and resting his cheek on the top of his head.
Edmund swallowed hard as he relaxed against his older brother, burying his face against his chest as he gripped Peter's tunic.
"It's alright." Peter whispered. "Does - does it still hurt?" He asked after a moment.
Edmund nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled.
Peter sighed. "I'm sure it will be fine after a while." He said slolwy.
"Hopefuly." Edmund choked, trying his best to hold back his tears. He tried to hide a sob, but Peter wasn't stupid.
"Hey." He whispered, kissing the top of Edmund's head as he rubbed his hand up and down his back. "It's okay."
Edmund finaly let it all out and sobbed into Peter's chest gripping his brother as tightly as he could as he trembled.
Peter's heart literally broke. "It's 'kay." He choked, his eyes filling with tears, but he didn't let them fall. "It'll all he alright."
Suddenly Edmund let out a strangled gasp, squeezing his eyes shut as Peter's hand brushed over a certain part on his back.
"Ed?" Peter asked worridly. "You okay?"
Edmund swallowed hard, trying to stop crying. "Y - Yeah." He said, hiccuping slightly.
Peter frowned. "Why did you gasp like that?" He asked.
Edmund hesitated but sighed eventually. "When she s - Stabbed me, it was - Um - deeper than it probably looked." He swallowed hard, practically forcing the next words out of his mouth. "The wand went all the way through."
Peter froze. "All the way through?" He whispered. "But - your spine."
Edmund sighed, nodding his head before buring his face back against Peter's chest.
Peter's grip immediately tightened around his brother, the tears now making their way down his cheeks, falling on to the top of Edmund's head.
"It was agony." Edmund choked. "All the pain I felt whilst I was with the witch all rolled into one, times one hundred."
Peter sighed sadly, kissing the top of his head. "It's all over now." He barely whispered. "She's dead."
"I very much doubt the nightmares are gonna be that easily gotten rid of." Edmund mumbled sadly.
"Maybe not." Peter said. "But they'll fade over time. I promise."
"I hope you're right." Edmund muttered, resting his head against Peter's shoulder as he slowly closed his eyes.

- At Cair Paravel, after the coronation -

Peter sighed as he walked through the corridors of Cair, frowning slightly as he tried to remember the way to the room he shared with his brother.
The coronation 'party' had only just finished and he felt absolutely exhausted. Lucy had gone to bed about an hour and a half ago, and Edmund didn't last too much longer. He and Susan had stayed til the end, and were both now as exhausted as each other.
After a long while he eventually reached his room, and opening the door slipped quietly inside.
Looking over to Edmund's bed he couldn't help but smile when he saw him buried beneath the blankets, breathing heavily with his mouth slightly open.
Chuckling to himself Peter removed the golden crown from his head, placing it down on his bedside table before reaching for his pajamas.
Removing his tunic he grabbed his pajama top and was about to put it on when he was stopped.
At this he swung around, thinking that he'd awoken his brother, but it was then he realised that Edmund still had his eyes closed, and was now tossing his head slowly back and forth.
Placing his pajamas top back on his bed he hurried over to his brother, hoping to wake him up before his dreams got violent.
"Edmund." He said, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Wake up Ed."
Edmund whimpered slightly. "Please." He whispered. "Peter, Susan, Lucy. Don't hurt them. Leave me alone!"
Peter swallowed hard. "Come on Ed." He said. "Wake up!"
Edmund seemed to jump in his sleep before his eyes shot open. He glanced around the room for a moment before his eyes settled on Peter. He sighed as if annoyed as he slowly sat up, running a hand through his hair.
"You okay?" Peter asked.
Edmund nodded. "I suppose." He mumbled. "I'm sorta getting used to it."
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked.
Edmund bit his lip. "Every night, since I was rescued I've had a nightmare." He said. "Every single night. That's more than a week of nightmares Peter!"
Peter stared at him for a moment. "I know." He choked.
"I'll never be able to get rid of her!" Edmund exclaimed, tears in his eyes. "She's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life!"
"That's not true Ed." Peter said, shaking his head slowly.
"How do you know?!" Edmund said, eyes wide.
Peter sighed. "Because I do." He said quietly.
Edmund sighed too, staring at his brother before his eyes traveled down to his arm. "What's that?" He asked.
Peter followed his gaze, sighing. "It's nothing." He said.
Edmund frowned. "Seriously Peter."
Peter sighed. "Alright." He said. "It was when I saw fighting the witch at Beruna, she sorta pinned me to the floor with your sword."
Edmund looked horrified. "Why didn't you say anything!" He exclaimed.
"I had other things to worry about." Peter said through gritted teeth.
Edmund sighed. "Idiot." He mumbled, but he meant it in a kind way.
"Always." Peter chuckled, pulling Edmund in for a hug.
"Do me one favour though Pete." Edmund mumbled after a while.
"What?" Peter asked curiously.
Edmund smirked. "Put a shirt on." He said.
Peter chuckled as he stood and grabbed his pajama top, sliding it over his head. Once he was ready for bed he sat back down beside his brother, smiling. "Sleep tight." He whispered, kissing Edmund's forehead.
Edmund smiled a little. "Night." He whispered back.
Peter smiled a bit more before going to stand, but he never got any further than half way across the room.
"Peter?" Edmund said quickly.
Peter turned around, frowning a little. "Yeah?" He asked.
Edmund bit his lip. "Do you think you could maybe stay?" He asked quietly.
Peter sighed sadly. "Of course." He said softly, walking back over and climbing into Edmund's bed beside him.
"Thanks." Edmund whispered as he wrapped his arms around Peter's waist and rested his head against his chest.
"No problem." Peter whispered back as Edmund slowly closed his eyes. "Love you Eddy." He said after a moment.
Edmund smiled, his eyes staying closed. "Love you too Pete." He said sleepily. "So much."

Hope you liked it, please let me know what you think ⬇⬇❤❤

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