Random Prompts 4

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Me and Abby did some more random prompts! But the August one shot will be up soon! i finally got an idea and will try and write it asap! in the meantime though enjoy these mini one shots! (Which were written in 10 - 15 minutes, but you probably already know that by now aha)


1: Blood

Peter couldn't help but cringe at the amount of blood covering his little brother. It had completely covered the front of his battle tunic, staining it an even darker red than it already was. 

Edmund caught him staring and he too glanced down, only to look straight back up again. 

Peter stared straight into his eyes, his own filling with tears before Edmund leant forward and rested his head on Peter's shoulder. 

"I - It's okay Ed." Peter choked, reaching up to run a hand through Edmund's messy, damp hair. "We'll get you back to camp and cleaned up okay?"

Edmund swallowed hard. "There's so much." He all but whispered. "I - I know there is."

Peter took a deep, shaky breath, not knowing what to say.

Of course there was a lot, Edmund had been stabbed, he'd been slowly bleeding to death. Slowly and painfully.

Peter shook his head to get rid of the thought and placed a kiss to the side of his brother's head. "Come on." He whispered, gently pulling Edmund away from him. "Let's go back."

He lowered his hand from Edmund's head, only to notice the blood staining his gloves, and he instantly yanked them off, shaking so hard that Edmund placed a steadying hand on his shoulder as he threw the gloves a fair distance away. "Sorry." He murmered when he caught sight of Edmund's worried look. "It's just-" He stopped, not having a clue what to say, so he just didn't say anything. 

"It - It feels horrible." Edmund choked after a while, and caused Peter to shake his head, take a deep breath and stand. "Then let's go and clean you up then." He muttered for the third time. "Can you stand?" 

Edmund hesitated, but after a while and a lot of help from his brother, he managed to stand upright, only for the feeling to become even more uncomfortable, but being covered in your own blood was never going to feel pleasant. 

"Alright?" Peter asked, sounding worried.

Edmund took a deep breath and nodded. "It's just -I feel so weak is all." He choked.

Peter swallowed hard. "You lost too much." He whispered. "You're gonna feel like that for a while, plus what - what just happened probably took away any strength you actually had." 

Edmund nodded slowly, before sighing and resting his head against Peter's shoulder. "Let's just go." He whispered. "I can't stand this too much longer." 

Peter nodded back, unable to even imagine what being drenched in your own blood would feel like. "You sure you can make it back?" He asked slowly, sounding unsure.

Edmund hesitated, before taking a deep breath. "I'm gonna try." He breathed. 

"Alright." Peter muttered, he didn't sound too happy, but began leading Edmund off the battle field anyway, although at a rather slow pace, but if he was honest, he doubted Edmund could've walked any faster.

2: Abandon

"How can you welcome me back like this?" Edmund choked. "Why don't you just abandon me like I abandoned you?"

Peter sighed sadly, walking slowly across the tent and sitting beside his brother. "We'd never abandon you Ed." He said slowly, unsure how to really talk to him. 

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