My little snowflake

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Peter and Lucy
Golden age (a few weeks after the coronation)
(I'm gonna stop the whole 'one word title' just to let you all know xx)

"Lucy?" Peter called as he walked through the castle, peering into each room he passed, looking for his little sister. He came to the library, peering inside. "Lu?" He asked, stepping into the room and walking over to where he'd heard a noise that sounded like a book slamming shut.
"I'm over here." Came Lucy's voice from behind one of the far back bookshelfs.
Peter smiled a little and went over to join his sister.
"Hey." Lucy smiled, standing and putting a book back on the shelf.
"Hey." Peter smiled at her. "I came to get you. It's really time for bed."
Lucy folded her arms. "I'm not tired." She said firmly.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "It's nearly nine o'clock Lucy." He said. "Way past your bedtime."
"You sound like Mum." Lucy pouted, staring up at her brother.
Peter chuckled. "Do I?" He said.
Lucy nodded. "Exactly like her." She said firmly with a nod.
Peter shook his head slightly. "Bed time Lucy." He laughed.
Lucy grinned. "You'll have to catch me first!" She exclaimed.
Before Peter knew what has happened Lucy was out of the room and running down the corridor, giggling the whole way.
"Hey!" Peter called, running off after her. Despite everything he couldn't keep the smile off his face as he chased after her.
Lucy giggled even more as she ran around a corner and down another corridor, hearing Peter running after her.
"Lucy!" Peter called, surprised at how fast his little sister could run. "Lu come back!!"
"Never!" Lucy called over her shoulder, turning yet another corner, ignoring everyone staring at her.
Peter shook his head and ran faster, it took a while but he soon caught up with her when she ran into one of the sitting rooms, attempting to run out the door on the other side of the room. But Peter quickly grabbed her around the waist and fell onto the sofa, Lucy in his lap.
"Flipping heck Lu you're fast!" Peter exclaimed, panting slightly.
Lucy laughed even as she tried to catch her breath. "I know." She replied.
"I told you it was bedtime." Peter said.
"And I said I wasn't tired." Lucy replied.
Peter raised an eyebrow. "Cheeky." He said with a shake of his head. "But seriously Lu, it's getting late."
"But Edmund doesn't have to go to bed!" Lucy protested.
Peter once again raised an eyebrow at her. "That's because he's a few years older than you." He said, trying to keep back a smile.
Lucy huffed playfully before smirking. "Please don't send me to bed." She said sweetly, staring around at Peter and going all puppy dog eyes on him.
Peter stared at her. Dammit. Was the only word the crossed his mind. Never once had he been able to resist Lucy's puppy dog eyes, as he called them.
"Lu." He said.
"Just half an hour?" Lucy pleaded.
Peter grinned. "You know exactly what you're doing don't you?" He said.
"Sure do." Lucy giggled. "I also know you can't resist when I look at you like this."
Peter sighed in defeat. "Oh alright." He said. "You can have til nine! And don't push it any further."
"Yipee!" Lucy exclaimed, jumping to her feet, turning around and jumping back onto Peter again, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"Ow." Peter groaned as Lucy jumped onto his stomach, but he still had a smile on his face as his arms wrapped around his little sister.
"Love you Peter." Lucy mumbled.
Peter chuckled slightly. "Love you too." He whispered. "My little snowflake"


"Into bed." Peter said as he and Lucy entered Lucy's room.
"Fine." Lucy said, trying to sound annoyed, but she had a small smirk on her face.
After changing quickly she climbed under the covers, laying down as Peter sat on the bed beside her. "Night Lu." He said gently.
Lucy sat up for a moment and hugged him tightly. "Night Pete." She mumbled.
Peter smiled slightly as Lucy layed back down, rolling onto her side as she snuggled under the covers, her eyes closing.
Within fifteen minutes she was fast asleep, and Peter couldn't help but chuckle. "Not tired eh?" He whispered, shaking his head slowly.
Lucy's only response was curling herself into a ball and letting out a quiet, content sigh.
Peter smiled. "Goodnight." He whispered, standing from the bed and walking over to the door. "My little snowflake."

I haven't written a fanfic about these two ever! So glad I finaly had an idea lol.
Btw I looked up cute nicknames for your sister and completely fell in love with snowflake 😂🤧💕❤
Also I'm still working on requests xox
Let me know what you thought about this in the comments! ❤💕

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