Hallowed 10

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Detective Hoseok slowly opened the door of the hospital room, revealing the figure of a man on top of the bed, still unconscious.

The only sound that welcomed him was that of the apparatus connected to the other which made him sigh.

He took a seat next to the hospital bed, eyes landing on the man's face.

"This look doesn't suit you, Yoongi. Hurry and wake up, so we could go back to catching that fucker." He whispered, slowly holding the inspector's hand with his own, tender and full of affection.

He's thankful that he had come on time to save him. He's grateful that this man trusted him and called him when he needed him the most.

Last night, when Hoseok was walking back home, his phone rang with Yoongi's name plastered on the screen.

He gladly took the call, but Yoongi didn't speak from the other line, only faint sounds of rustling was heard.

"Hey, Yoongi. What's wrong?" Hoseok asked, still no response.

His heart began to pound, and his instincts told him something's not right.

Hoseok quickly put the call on hold before dialing the nearest police hotline, all the while feeling like he's drowning from anxiety.

He had known something like this could happen. They're being too careless, too close to finding the truth and there's no way the killer would just sit in silence.

He went back to listen to Yoongi's call, all the while running to the highway to halt a cab and be there as soon as he could.

He was feeling so agitated when he finally heard a voice, but it's not Yoongi's.

"Perhaps you're looking for this?"

Hoseok felt his body turn cold at the voice. He didn't hear a response, only a loud thud of something falling down the floor.

He wanted to call out Yoongi's name, ask him if he's okay, but he held it all in. He didn't want the killer to have an idea that Yoongi was able to call someone without his knowledge.

"You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong."

The man uttered and as Hoseok listened, he heard what he had dreaded to hear - a gunshot that almost made his heart stop from beating.

But he couldn't speak, nor scream his anger. All he could do was to listen on the other line, continuously wishing for the other's safety.

Yoongi, hang in there a little more. Don't die on me.

Hoseok repeatedly said those words in his head as if doing so would make the other live. He's desperate, but this desperation was the only thing he had that moment.

There was no sound that followed after that, and when Hoseok finally arrived, he found Yoongi drenched in his own blood with a bullet wound near his heart.

Hoseok sighed, feeling his breath go ragged at the memory as he held Yoongi's hand firmly.

"Good thing you're one tough guy." Hoseok mumbled, thankful that the other was no longer in critical situation.

Though he's still in coma, Hoseok was still thankful.

His vital organs miraculously didn't get hit by the shot, which brought him to wherever he was now.

Hoseok sighed once more. The killer wasn't one to use a gun to begin with. That's not how he killed his previous victims. There's a huge possibility that he lacked proper skills in using it. He just probably resulted to using Yoongi's own gun to make it look like suicide.

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