Hallowed 14

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It was late in the afternoon when detective Hoseok came by to do a follow up investigation regarding the recent attack to his colleague and a dear friend, inspector Yoongi.

Taehyung and Jin were expecting him because of the call he did prior to the day of his visit.

He brought with him the sketch of the culprit which was based on Taehyung's description and memory.

"Would you mind looking at this once more?" Detective Hoseok pushed the sketch towards Taehyung who quickly picked it up and stared at it for a long time.

It was no doubt well done according to how he depicted the man to be.

"Was there a unique body mark, scar of some sort, or mole perhaps that you could think of to make it easier for us to identify him?" Detective Hoseok asked once more, eyes trained to note every reaction he could get from the other.

"None that I could think of." Taehyung responded as he placed the sketch back on the table.

Jin came emerging from the kitchen with a tray of food and coffee on his hands as he joined the two in the living room.

"There's still no lead, detective?" Jin asked, sitting next to Taehyung on the couch.

The detective sighed as he took the sketch and held it firmly in his hand.

"I'm ashamed to say none." He answered, gripping the paper tightly that left crumpled marks on its edges.

He felt so angry and helpless day by day of not getting any leads while Yoongi was still in such a terrible state.

It's as if the culprit was slipping away from his grasp more so now than before.

"I'm sorry if I couldn't be of much help." Taehyung said, staring at the detective's face that seemed to resemble that of anger but was more vivid.

"No.. You've helped out a lot. Thanks to you, we finally got the face of the killer. The rest is up to us to eventually get him." Hoseok said, forcing a smile.

"There were few people that matched a little to the sketch we have, but they're still not him." He added, running a hand over his hair in disappointment and frustration.

"That's why I wanted to make it more specific if there's a body mark or some sort that could make him identifiable with certainty." Detective Hoseok continued as he reached out for the cup of coffee on the table.

"But I guess my hopes were all just in vain." He sighed before drinking the coffee in one gulp.

Jin and Taehyung could only stare at the other as he placed the now empty cup on the table.

He didn't seem to mind the coffee's temperature which glided down his throat.

"Thank you for cooperating. I better go now and start working my ass off." Detective Hoseok said as he stood while the brothers followed suit.

"Contact me if there's something unusual. I'll respond as soon as I could." He added which made Jin smile.

"We will, detective. Thank you for all the hard work." Jin said as they went out of the apartment and accompanied the detective on the hallway.

"It's my duty to help." Hoseok said with a smile.

They were midway when Jungkook emerged from the corner where the stairs were situated. He was holding a plastic bag from the nearby convenience store.

Taehyung immediately ran towards the ravenette to greet him which the latter returned with a smile.

"Good afternoon, hyung." Taehyung said.

"To you too." Jungkook responded, stopping in front of his apartment unit. His eyes landed on Taehyung's brother and the detective next to him who were walking past them.

"Did something happen?" Jungkook asked to which Taehyung just shake his head.

"That's good to know. You shouldn't be involving yourself in trouble." The ravenette added.

The two of them were staring at each other in their own world that they didn't see the detective stopping and looking their way with his serious and shocked eyes.

He was gazing at the ravenette intensely with eyes that screamed of nothing but suspicions and the red alarm in his head seemed to be blaring with caution.

"Is there a problem, detective?" Jin asked, seeing the sudden change of expression from the man's face.

Hoseok quickly retracted his gaze and smiled as he looked at Jin.



The room was filled with nothing but silence as Hoseok stared at his phone for the longest time.

There was a feeling of anxiety and alarm at the pit of his stomach as he clicked the recorded call from the time when Yoongi was attacked.

Thanks to his years of experience when dealing with all sorts of cases, it became a habit of him to record all the calls he'll get no matter who's the caller.

"Hey, Yoongi. What's wrong?"

It was his voice but nothing followed for a long while before another voice came in.

"Perhaps you're looking for this?"

Hoseok gritted his teeth upon hearing that voice once again. The anger surged once more as he listened longer.

"You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong."

He quickly stopped the recording before the dreaded gunshot that he didn't want to hear anymore as the image of Yoongi's bloodied body came to mind once again.

He had been listening to the recording over and over again that he could even hear the killer's voice whenever he closed his eyes.

He's been fully accustomed to it that there's no mistaking he'll recognize it the moment he hears it again.

And it fucking happened.

Hoseok leaned on the backrest as he stared at the ceiling with blank eyes.

He couldn't be mistaken.

That voice...

There's no mistaking it.

Hoseok stopped as his mind started assessing the situation.

Since Yoongi and him began tracking the killer's whereabouts once again after a series of events circling around Taehyung, the killer seemed to be always a step ahead.

They knew he's probably nearby and watching everything, every movement, every action.

Now that he's thinking about it... maybe he's not just watching... but instead he's already interacting with him.

It's a plausible hypothesis, and Taehyung might have been unaware all along...

But why?

Why does it seem like he's being played at?

Not only by the killer.... but by that emotionless brat.

Love you 💜

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