Hallowed 15

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The rain continued to pour hard, but Taehyung didn't mind as he followed the man who was humming a song he hadn't heard before.

They had been walking for a while, turning in every corner which the man seemed to know too well.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung finally asked, his clothes soaked as he tried to catch up.

The man continued to hum as if he didn't hear anything which left Taehyung no choice but to follow quietly.

He didn't know how long they had walked, for his feet just followed the man's every step.

They stopped in front of a run-down establishment with most of its structure seemingly burnt by fire. It stood lifeless in the middle of the vast land enclosed by barb wires and caution signs that kept the people out of the place.

Taehyung stared at the man who revealed a secret passage hidden behind the bushes which led to the playground inside the property.

"Where are we?" Taehyung asked as he ducked down and followed the older who continued to hum as he sat on a swing.

"Somewhere fun." The man with raven hair said, swinging back and forth with the sound of the rustic swing echoing along with his laughter.

His face was far from the man who just killed someone in the alleyway. It's no longer grim, instead, it's glowing amid the darkness and the heavy rain.

"Should we try the slide?" The ravenette beamed, jumping out of the swing and hurrying to the slide.

Taehyung didn't say anything as he stared at the other. He could only look as the ravenette got lost in his own world like a child.

He's like a child trapped in a body of a teenager and this was his idea of fun.

"Come on!" The ravenette urged, letting himself slide down the muddy ground as he laughed.

He continued to urge Taehyung up the ladder and slide down where he was waiting for him.

"Go on." The ravenette said as Taehyung sat on the top of the slide.

"Hyung will catch you." The ravenette continued, making Taehyung stare at him for the longest time.

"Come on. Don't be scared." He added, mistaking Taehyung's silence as that of being scared.

He's not afraid, not that he knew how that felt. He's far from being scared.

What made him stop and stare was the look the ravenette was giving him. He couldn't put a name on it, but it was the same look his brother Jin always had for him.

Was it fondness? Care?

Taehyung couldn't tell as he let himself slide onto the welcoming arms of the ravenette who caught him before his feet could touch the muddy ground.

"See? I told you hyung would catch you." The ravenette uttered as Taehyung silently stared at him.

"Hyung.." Taehyung repeated the word as he gazed at the other.

Was it really the same man drenched in blood moments ago?

The same man who cut a knife through a man's flesh until he bled like a cattle?

It's the same man having fun playing in the playground in the middle of the night as the heavy rain continued to pour down.

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