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"Visiting me one last time?" Jungkook asked as Hoseok entered the room.

"Just checking if you're still breathing before your sentence." Hoseok answered, sitting opposite to the other.

It was the day before Jungkook's transfer to another precinct where he would spend the days in waiting for his sentence.

"Eager to see me dead, huh?" Jungkook said, flicking his tongue.

"You have no idea." Hoseok responded, casually sitting with his legs crossed.

There was a long silence before Hoseok spoke once more.

"He's here."

His words immediately registered in Jungkook's mind and in a blink of an eye, his expression changed.

"I should've just killed you." Jungkook threatened, eyes blazing in anger as the cuffs clinked from his now trembling fist.

"Don't shoot daggers at me. He begged me to see you." Hoseok retorted before standing from his seat.

"I'll let him in."

"No!" Jungkook wanted to drag Hoseok and beat the living daylights out of him.

The detective didn't say anything as he went for the door and leave. With every second that passed by, Jungkook could feel something inside him stir.

He couldn't see him. No.. he must not see him.

As the door opened once more, the ravenette didn't lift his head. He could hear the faint steps as it grew closer.

The sound of the chair being dragged a little resonated in the room, and yet, Jungkook could not look at the man from across the room.


His voice sounded so lonely, so desperate and it only made Jungkook clench his fist.

Why? Why did he have to see him?

It only made his heart waver.

"How are you doing here, hyung? Are they treating you well?"

"Leave." Jungkook uttered instead.

He finally lifted his gaze and once he did, his world stopped at the sight of the only person who had been haunting him in his dreams.

Those dead eyes brimmed with tears, tears he had only seen for the very first time.

"You.. why?" Jungkook felt his heart clench at the sight of those tears that continued to stain his beautiful face.

"I miss you, hyung.."

His words cut like a knife and Jungkook wanted to say the words back, but he couldn't.

He couldn't.

"Leave now." Jungkook said, pressing the buzzer which immediately summoned the guard who would bring him back to his cell.


"Go home and don't come looking for me again." Jungkook warned as the officer came, followed by Hoseok.

"Take him with you, detective. Starting today, I won't be accepting visits from you." He added, glaring at the detective who could only raise his hand in surrender.

He didn't want him to be seen with him nor to give anyone the idea that he's his only weakness.

As he was being escorted out, Jungkook was halted by his voice again.

"I'll wait, hyung."

He felt his heart squeeze in so much pain. He wanted to grab him in a warm embrace, but he knew he shouldn't.

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