Chapter 3

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Willa and Steve arrived at the Air and Space Museum to go down to the Captain America exhibit. They had to wear disguises so they wernt recognized.

Now of course seeing and remembering everything that happened to him hurt

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Now of course seeing and remembering everything that happened to him hurt. He lost so much. His first love, his best friend/brother, and of course time.

Many people were around and no one was the wiser all except one little boy who saw Steve and knew who he was.

"Hey look." Willa says.

She pointed to a little boy who looked at Steve in amazement. But since he didnt want anyone to know he was there Steve placed his finger to his lips.

 But since he didnt want anyone to know he was there Steve placed his finger to his lips

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The little boy nodded and Willa and Steve went on their way throughout the museum. Seeing it all here just made Steve see what kind of story he left for the world.

Then came the area dedicated to his lost friend, his brother and again Steve was reminded of the past pain of the day.

"Steve you okay?" Willa asks placing her hand on his arm.

"I grew up with him. He wasnt just my friend. He was my brother and when my mom died he was all the family I had left." Steve says.

"And now your in a different time and all alone that must be hard." Willa says.

"It is at times, but Im not alone." Steve says looking at her.

They then made their way to watch the video of those who knew Steve way back when. And when Peggy showed up his heart sank. His first love mentioning what he had did when he saved Bucky and his unite of men.

His heart broke more the moment she mentioned that one of the men he had saved was someone who had later on became her husband. Steve then opened the compass he has had with him and seeing that photo of her gave him some reassurance.

"Hey, you should go and see her again. Im sure she'd love that." Willa says.

"I think I will." Steve says.

Steve did indeed go and see Peggy as he had before. Seeing her photos on her desk of her family brought a part of relief for Steve. He was happy she moved on and didnt waste her life wanting to find him. He was happy she moved on and has grown old with happy memories from her life.

Talking to her made things easy for him and he talked to her because she is apart of the past. And when she mentioned to him that he should move on his mind went to only one thing, but he shut that thought believe he couldnt.

Steve left Peggy and found Willa looking into a room where Sam Wilson was talking to others who have been through what he has been through.

Steve left Peggy and found Willa looking into a room where Sam Wilson was talking to others who have been through what he has been through

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"What are you doing?" Steve asks leaning up against the wall

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"What are you doing?" Steve asks leaning up against the wall.

"I just heard Sam and wanted to see what he does for a living." Willa says.

"How'd you know where he worked?" Steve asks.

"Well after you ditched me for that mission Sam and I got to talking. You know he is a very interesting man." Willa says.

Steve didnt know how he felt about that. He was feeling something he didnt like, but he wouldnt admit it.

Once the meeting was over Sam was saying goodbye to the others and walked over to where Steve and Willa were.

"Look who it is, the running man and of course the lovely Willa Stark." Sam says.

"Caught the last few minutes. Its pretty intense." Steve says.

"Is it hard to get back to a normal life? You know after everything you all have been through?" Willa asks.

"Yeah, we all got the same problems. Guilt, regret." Sam says.

"You lose someone?" Steve asks.

"My wingman, Riley. We were flying a night mission. Standard PJ rescue op. Nothing we havent done 1,000 times before. Until an RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It was like I was up there just to watch." Sam says.

"Oh Sam Im so sorry." Willa says.

"Sorry." Steve says softly.

"After that I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?" Sam questions.

"But you're happy now, back in the world?" Steve asks.

"The number of people giving me orders is down to about zero. So hell yeah. Are you thinking about getting out?" Sam asks.

"No. I dont know. To be honest, I dont know what I would do with myself if I did." Steve says.

"You can do whatever you want to do. What makes you happy?" Sam asks.

For a brief moment Steve looked over at Willa who wasnt paying attention and then back at Sam.

"I dont know." Steve says.

Sam definitely saw the look and tried to hide a smirk. Things seemed to be fine for them, but on the streets was a different story as Nick Fury was being attacked.

This day started like a normal day and now unknown to them everything was about to change and not for the better.

A/N: Yes I am making Sam Wilson someone Willa is close friends reason for this will come later on in the book series.

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