Chapter 9

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To get Jasper they had to be quick and fast and not get caught. So Nat, Steve, and Willa waited as Sam was in charge of bringing Jasper to them.

It was a good plan and it indeed work they got Jasper Sitwell as planned and now they had him a roof.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm." Steve says throwing him to the ground.

"Never heard of it." Jasper says getting up.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve asks.

"I was throwing up. I get seasick." Jasper says backing away from Steve.

Jasper was back far enough where he would end up falling from the roof and Steve grabbed him.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Cause its really not your style, Rogers." Jasper says.

"You're right. Its not." Steve says letting him go.

"Its hers." Steve says.

He moved out of the way as Nat kicked Jasper off the roof.

"You know Willa was worried for you." Nat says to him.

"Just like you were worried for her." Nat says.

"Please dont. She might hear you and get weirded out."Steve says.

They were close to the edge quietly whispering and Willa just watched.

"Of course Steve would want Nat. She is so much better then me." Willa says to herself.

"Hey non pain in the ass Stark, Sam got him." Nat says waving Willa over.

Sam dropped Jasper on the roof as they all then walked closer to him.

"Zola's algorithm is a program for choosing Insight's targets." Jasper says.

"What targets?" Steve asks.

"You! A TV anchor in Cario, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to
HYRDA. Now and in the future." Jasper says.

"In the future? How could it know?" Steve asks.

"How could it not." Jasper says laughing while getting up.

"The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical history, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future." Jasper says.

"And what then?" Steve asks.

"Oh my god. Pierce is gonna kill me." Jasper says.

"What then?" Steve asks again.

"Then the Insight helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time." Jasper says.

"So everyone who can stop them will be killed?" Willa asks.

"Yeah. Three out of the four of you for sure." Jasper says.

"Who gets lucky out of the four of us?" Sam asks.

"Me. Thats why I cant have the power control thing. They have it to make me... Oh my god... I cant breath." Willa says trying to catch her breath.

"Get him to the car." Steve says.

Sam and Nat took Jasper off the roof as Steve staid behind trying to calm Willa down.

"They are going to use me as an evil weapon. They'll make me a monster.. I dont..." Willa says.

"Hey Doll, dont do that to yourself Willa. I promise you as long as Im here you wont be a monster. I will make sure you stay in the light." Steve says taking both her hands in his.

"You are not going to be a monster I wont let that happen, but I need you right now. I need you to be calm cause we are going to need the power you hold to stop HYDRA." Steve says look at her.

"Can you help us do this?" Steve asks making her look at him.

"I dont know, but I'll try." Willa says.

"Thats all I ask." Steve says.

They staid quiet for a moment and then they headed down into Sam's car all on their way to stop HYDRA.

"HYDRA doesnt like leaks." Jasper says.

"Why don you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam questions.

"Insights launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it alitte to close here." Nat says.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly." Steve says.

"What are you crazy? That is a terrible idea." Jasper says.

There then was a thud on the top of the car. Jasper was then ripped out of the car and thrown into the street. The one on the roof began shooting at them having Steve pull the break and off goes the man.

They all looked out the windshield and the man with the metal arm was fine just standing there as another car rams into theirs now pushing them closer to the man.

The man got back in the car ripped the steering wheel out and there was no way to stop the car.

"You guys get out." Willa says as her hands started to grow with fire.

"Willa, I wont leave you." Steve says.

"You dont have a choice." Willa says.

Willa blasts the three of them out with a wind blast before switching it to fire and blowing up the car. Which cause the HYDRA cars to also stop where they were.

"NO!WILLA!" Steve yells looking at the burning car.

"NO!WILLA!" Steve yells looking at the burning car

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A/N:............oops Cliffhanger........

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