Chapter 6

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As Steve walked through the halls of the hospital he kept telling himself just two things he had to do. One get the flash drive and two get Willa. He replayed that in his mind as he looked at the vending machine.

When he looked at the machine all the gum was gone along with the flash drive. Just then Natasha appeared behind him blowing a bubble.

Steve was beyond upset and shoved her into an empty room. He pushed her up against the hall and took off the hood.

"Where is it?" Steve asks.

"Safe." Nat says.

"Do better." Steve says.

"Where did you get it?" Nat asks.

"Why would I tell you?" Steve questions.

"Fury gave it to you. Why?" Nat asks.

"Whats on it?" Steve asks.

"I dont know." Nat says.

"Stop lying." Steve says.

"I only act like I know everything, Rogers." Nat says.

"I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates, didnt you?" Steve questions.

"Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you." Nat says.

"Im not gonna ask you again." Steve says angrily.

"I know who killed Fury." Nat says.

Steve looked at her and let her go and so Nat went on talking about how she believes it was the one called The Winter Solider. Saying that he is credited with over 2 dozen assassinations in the last 50 years.

"So he's a ghost story." Steve says.

Nat then told him a story about how she had her own run in with the Winter Soldier herself.

"Going after him is a dead end. I know, I've tried. Like you said he's a ghost story." Nat says holding up the flash drive.

"Lets find out what the ghost wants." Steve says taking it from him.

They left to find out what is on the flash drive and why its all people want.

Though at Sam's Willa was watching the news hearing that Steve is being hunted. And that they want to bring Willa to SHIELD.

"You need to turn that off." Sam says.

"I cant. What if they get Steve? What if they find me? You can be in trouble from not turning me over." Willa says.

"Hey listen to me. They wont get Steve. They wont get you. And I dont care if I get in trouble for not turning you in. SHIELD wont get you Willa." Sam says and sits beside her.

"You know they have the device that can control me right. If that happens I dont know what will happen to me." Willa says.

Willa's mind went to Steve. Where was he? Was he okay? Will he come back like he promised?

Steve and Nat were walking through the mall going to the computer store to place the drive in.

"The moment this goes in SHIELD will know exactly where we are." Nat says.

"How much time do we have?" Steve asks.

"About 9 minutes from now." Nat says plugging the flash drive in.

"You know I think it cute." Nat says.

"What?" Steve questions.

"It says keep Willa safe. Thats why you were so angry." Nat says slightly laughing.

"Just focus." Steve says.

"Fury was right about that ship. Somebody is trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI. It keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands." Nat says.

"Can you over ride it?" Steve asks.

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me." Nat says.

As she used another tack tick to find where the drive came from the worker came over to them. Thinking quickly on her feet Nat tells the guy that she and Steve were looking for honeymoon destinations making Steve rather uncomfortable.

Nat just continued as the guy left and Steve quickly realized it was past nine minutes. But also at the fact that he had been to the place where the drive came from.

As they left the store they walked through the mall and Steve was trying to make a plan when Nat just told him what to do. First the arm around her and then the kiss making things even more uncomfortable for him. And Nat knew it and she enjoyed making him uncomfortable.

They had stole and truck or as Steve said it was borrowed Nat just couldnt help, but slightly laugh while looking at him.

"So where did Captain America learn to steal a car?" Nat asks.

"Nazi Germany, and feet off the dash." Steve says looking at the rode.

Nat then asked Steve a question to wether or not he has kissed anyone since 1945

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Nat then asked Steve a question to wether or not he has kissed anyone since 1945.

"No that wasnt my first kiss since 1945. Im 95 not dead." Steve says.

"Right..." Nat says.

"Go ahead say it." Steve says.

"Say what?" Nat questions.

"I know that look. Its the sam look I get given quite a bit." Steve says.

"She really does mean something to you doesnt she?" Nat asks.

"I dont know. I mean we have come a long way from that small problem two years ago. But as I pointed out Im in my 90s and she is just 20. So you can see why Im hesitant. That and Im not ready for dating right now. Besides Willa most likely doesnt like me that way anyway." Steve says.

Says these words out loud hurt him and Nat could see that so she didnt push anymore as they continued on their way to learn whats on the flash drive.

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