Chapter 1

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Its been about a year since Willa and her father stopped Aldrich Killian and a year since Willa has become in full control of her powers. She though wasnt used in many missions with SHIELD. This was because Alexander Pierce didnt want her to be no matter how hard Fury tried to tell him she could help.

Willa didnt seem to mind cause she was really comfortable with the group who they would send her with anyway. Now sure Willa's trust factor is still a big part in her life and having feelings that people are evil around her didnt make her feel to good.

There were only a few at SHIELD she trusted. Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff had her trust to a point, but Steve Rogers had her full trust. Anyone else there unless they were someone from the team then she had her issues.

Another issue for Willa was her living arrangement. Yes she was used to living in a mansion and now living in a kinda gross apartment building. Her problem though was that she might have a small crush on her roommate and Captain.

Another problem with this arrangement was the fact that Steve made Willa get up early and go running with him every morning. Now this morning was no different except the fact they ended up making a new friend.

Steve was of course running a fast as he could passing a poor man who is slower and well Steve bothered him.

"On your left." Steve says running past the guy.

Then Steve continued his run it wasnt long before he passed the man once again.

"On your left." Steve says running by again.

"Uh-huh. On my left. Got it." The guy says.

Steve again continued his running passed up the guy once again. Who heard him coming again.

"Dont say it. Dont you say it." The guy says.

"On your left." Steve says running past him once again.

"Come on!" The guy yells.

The poor guy tried to push himself fast to catch up to Steve, but it was no use. So he quit and found a nice tree to lean up against.

"Need a medic?" Steve questions walking up to him.

"Need a medic?" Steve questions walking up to him

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"I need a new set of lungs. Dude you just ran, like, 13 miles in 30 minutes." The guy says.

"I guess I got a late start." Steve says.

"Really you should be ashamed of yourself

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"Really you should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap. Did you just take it? I assume you just took it." The guy says.

"What unit you with?" Steve asks.

"58th Pararescue, but now Im working down at the VA. Sam Wilson." Sam says offering Steve his hand.

"Steve Rogers." Steve says helping him up.

"I kind of put that together. Must of freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing." Sam says.

"It takes some getting used to. Its good to meet you Sam." Steve says.

Steve went to leave when Sam started mention stuff about how hard it is to sleep on a bed after being away. He even mentioned how Steve must miss the good old days.

 He even mentioned how Steve must miss the good old days

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"Well, things arent so bad. Foods alot better, no polio which is good. Internet so helpful been reading it alot trying to catch up." Steve says.

"Mavin Gaye, 1972, Trouble Man soundtrack. Everything you missed jammed into one album." Sam says.

"I'll put it on the list." Steve says writing it down.

"Hey.. Umm.. You havent seen a girl have you?" Steve asks.

"A girl? I have seen plenty. Looking for anyone in particular?" Sam asks.

"Light brown hair, hazel eyes, tens to vanish when I make her come running with me, kinda has an attitude, oh and her name is Willa Stark." Steve says.

"I have heard of her. Havent seen her, but I have heard of her." Sam says.

"I really hate when she takes off like that." Steve says.

"Never mind. I have seen her. Is thats her coming over here with sunglasses on eating a donut?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Thats her. Willa, where were you?" Steve asks.

"Donut shop." Willa says.

"Wills, please dont walk off like that you know I hate it when you go and.... Umm... I.. You need to be careful." Steve says.

"Okay Im sorry. Whos your new friend?" Willa asks.

"Sam Wilson, its nice to meet you." Sam says.

"Willa Stark." Willa says and shakes his hand.

Just then Steve's phone went off and it was time for him to go on another mission.

"Mission time?" Willa questions trying not to look at Steve.

"I wont be gone long." Steve says making her look at him.

"I promise." Steve says.

Just then Nat showed up as she was the one to pick up Steve for the mission. Everyone turned to face the car as Nat rolled the window down.

"Hey guys, any of you know where the Smithsonian is? Im here to pick up a fossil." Nat says.

"That hilarious." Steve says getting into the car.

"I'll be back soon." Steve says to Willa.

"How you doing?" Sam asks Nat.

"Hey." Nat says.

"Cant run everywhere." Steve says.

"No you cant." Sam says as the car drove away.

"So can you really control the elements?" Sam asks.

"Yeah why?" Willa questions.

"Cause your buddy made me run to fast and I can use a cool down." Sam says.

"Water or wind?" Willa asks.

"Surprise me." Sam says.

Willa used her wind powers to cool Sam down and she also added alittle water to it to help as well. Though her mind wondered to Steve, was he going to be okay? Of course he will is Captain America, but still Willa always worries she will never see him again.

A/N: Hey guys. Look whats here. Another book from my series as begun.

PS: Steve isnt Willa's love interest throughout the series..... okay thats a lie. And Im letting you know now that I will be putting them together throughout the series pining for one another and in one of the stories it will happen.

Pshh.. What.. No I dont have a Ship name from them.... You do... You guys call them Stilla not me.

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