Chapter 2

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Willa didnt like being at the apartment all alone. There was something about the neighborhood that she didnt like and Steve made it feel safe. The other thing she didnt like was the Agent who was sent to watch over them.

Now Willa didnt think the Agent was a bad woman or evil or anything like that. She just didnt like her. Was it because she gave Willa nasty looks when she would pass Willa's room while she was locked away at 16? Or maybe it was the constant flirting with Steve that made her not like her.

Well it was both one was because once you do something to Willa she will hold a grudge. And the other was disgusting because she know Steve was once in love with the woman's Aunt. Its just so gross and weird and it didnt seat well with Willa.

As Willa sat in the apartment listening to one of Steve's old records her mind wandered to Steve. What was he doing this very moment and was he okay. Was he thinking about her? Willa shook that last thought away knowing it was far from the truth.

On his mission Steve was getting ready to fight and apart of him wished that Willa was there to help. But the other part knew she was saver where she was now.

Steve made his plan with the team he was assigned to and it was almost time to.

"Did you do anything fun Saturday night?" Nat asks.

"Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so, no, not really." Steve says.

"You know if your not ready to admit your feelings for... There are other girls you can ask who would say yes." Nat says.

"Thats why I dont ask." Steve says.

"Too shy or too scared?" Nat asks.

"Too busy." Steve says and jumped out.

"Yeah too busy being in love with a Stark." Nat mumbles.

"I heard that." Steve says over coms.

Steve landed on the ship and he began fighting some of the  pirates that had been out in the open as the rest of his team came to the ship as well.

"If you want you can ask out the nurse across from you. She seems nice. She isnt Willa, but still." Nat says.

"Secure the engine room, then find me a date." Steve says clearly done with the conversation.

"Im multi-tasking." Nat says.

The team was fighting the pirates so they could get the hostages out. Steve however was fighting a man only to knock him through a door into an empty room. That actually wasnt empty.

"Well, this is awkward." Nat says going through the computer.

"What are you doing?" Steve asks.

"Backing up the hard drive. Its a good habit to get into." Nat says.

"You're saving SHIELD intel." Steve says looking at the screen.

"Whatever I can get my hands on." Nat says.

"Our mission is to rescue hostages." Steve says.

"No, thats your mission, and you've done it beautifully." Nat says trying to pass him.

"You just jeopardized this whole operation." Steve says.

The guy from earlier had gotten up and threw a bomb at them and escaped. Steve was just so upset at Nat and he knew it was Fury's idea made him even more mad.

Back at SHIELD not to long after Steve came back and he went straight to talk to Nick himself.

"You just cant stop yourself from lying can you?" Steve questions.

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