Chaper 11

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Steve, Nat, and Sam were in one car and Willa was in another. Her powers acting different. Because of the device did something and it was still slightly hurting her even though it was gone.

The people in the car with her just looking at her. Creepy smiles upon their faces and Willa knew they wanted her and her powers to help them. Just like she knew the device that hit her was one of two that are to control her.

Back in the other car Steve was torn. One at Bucky still being alive and another as that Willa wasnt with him. He felt as if he had failed her. He felt as if the two he cared for most were failed by him.

"It was him. He looked right at me like he didnt even know me." Steve says.

"How is that even possible? It was, like, 70 years ago." Sam says.

"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in 43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must of found him and..." Steve says.

"None of that is your fault Steve." Nat says.

"Even when I had nothing I had Bucky." Steve says to them.

"And now they have him and will do whatever they did to him to Willa. I cant believe I failed her this bad." Steve says.

"Again not your fault." Nat says.

Where she had got shot was hurting her badly and Sam took notice.

"We need to get a doctor here. If we dont put pressure in that wound, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Sam says.

One of the guards made their weapon glow and it looked as if they were too attack Sam, but they attacked the other guy. The one under it was none other then Maria Hill.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." Maria says taking the helmet off.

"Who is this guy?" Maria asks looking at Sam.

Just then they heard and explosion and the car came to a stop.

"Go now." Maria says.

"What was that?" Sam asks.

"That was Stark. She kinda blew her top." Maria says helping them get out.

Maria had been the one to lock Willa up giving her a com to listen for when she spoke to Steve. She told Willa then to use her powers to blow the car up and ran to the nearest car where she had a van waiting for them all.

Willa had done just that except there was a problem. Whatever she just did messed with whatever control HYDRA wanted and Willa was in more pain then ever. She couldnt feel anything but pain and wanted to scream but she couldnt.

The HYDRA men went to end Steve and the others but they were long gone arriving at a building.

"Willa we are here?" Maria says getting out of the van.

"I cant move." Willa says.

"Wilson take Nat in. Rogers, Willa needs your help." Maria says.

"She's here? But the explosion?" Steve questions.

"Was a distraction. She got away in the smoke, but something is very off." Maria says.

Steve went to the passenger seat and saw Willa in a ball form clenching in pain. It killed him to see her so hurt. He lifted her up slowly and carried her in.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Maria says about Nat.

"Maybe two." Sam says.

"Let me take her." The doctor says.

"She'll want to see him first." Maria says.

Maria lead them to a closed area where indeed Nick Fury was and he was indeed alive.

"About damn time." Nick says.

"I knew your death was too easy." Willa says.

As Nat was being worked on and Steve had placed Willa down so she could gain strength. Nick was talking about everything that was done because of the attack. Telling them how he was able to fake his own death due to something Banner had created.

"Then why all the secrecy?" Steve asks.

"The death of the director had to look successful." Maria says.

"And I didnt know who to trust." Nick says to them before looking over at Willa.

"I was afraid of that." Nick says.

"Afraid of what me?" Willa asks slowly sitting up.

"No of the control. I knew it was unsteady and the pain in your eyes. It hurts you." Nick says.

"Will she be okay?" Sam asks.

"The test was that it would control her if it was on her. Since it connected the fear was if it was taken off and she used her powers it was cause pain whenever she used them for at least 24 hours." Nick says.

"So it wont hurt her for long?" Steve questions.

"No. It will wear off. Unfortunately not in time to stop HYDRA. Willa is either considered powerless or can use them and cause herself more pain." Nick says.

"I dont... Well we dont want that." Steve says.

"We'll worry about me later. Right now we have HYDRA to deal with." Willa says.

Thats when they got into the idea. Idea where they need to add new devices to the carriers that will stop them from killing the targets they are required to harm.

But when Nick brought up salvaging whatever is left of SHIELD, Steve was over it. He wanted it all to go.

"SHILED, HYDRA, it all goes." Steve says.

"He's right." Maria says.

Nick looked over at Nat who was on Steve's side and then at Sam.

"Dont look at me. I do what he does just slower." Sam says.

"And you Stark?" Nick questions.

"Steve trusted me when I didnt. So its only fair to be on his side now." Willa says.

"Well... It looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain." Nick says.

Steve went outside to think about everything and remembering Bucky when he was his brother and not a monster. His thoughts were interrupted by Sam.

"He's gonna be there you know." Sam says.

"I know." Steve says.

"Look whoever he used to be and the guy he is now, I dont think he's the kind you save. He's the kind you stop." Sam says.

"I dont know if I can do that." Steve says.

"Well he might not give you a choice. He doesnt know you." Sam says.

"He will." Steve says.

"Hey guys its time." Willa says walking over to them.

"I know. But Willa I cant in good conscience make you do this." Steve says.

"Hey I'll be okay. Its the only way we know they wont use the last device on me." Willa says placing her hand on his cheek.

"Now I'll see you when this is over. And Steve." Willa says.

"Yeah?" Steve questions.

"Do whatever you can to not hurt him. A brainwashed friend is still your friend. You just have to make him remember." Willa says.

She let go of his cheek and walked back in to the building.

"You both are nuts about saving him." Sam says.

"Gear up its time." Steve says walking away.

"You going to wear that?" Sam asks.

"No. If you're going to fight a war, you got to wear a uniform." Steve says walking away.

It was now time to fight the war against HYDRA. The only question no was are they going to win the fight?

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