Chapter 4

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Nick Fury had gotten into the apartment and he waited for Willa and Steve to come home. They arrived back at the apartment complex and headed up.

"How was your talk with Peggy?" Willa asks.

"Good. Like always she has mentioned that I should move on with my life, but I dont know how to do that." Steve says.

"Well you dont have to go it alone. You have plenty of people who have your back." Willa says.

"I know." Steve says.

As they went up the stairs they heard a voice and it was the voice of the neighbor/agent.

As they went up the stairs they heard a voice and it was the voice of the neighbor/agent

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As they walked passed her Steve gave her a small smile and a wave.

Then well she just started talking to Steve about her aunt not being able to sleep

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Then well she just started talking to Steve about her aunt not being able to sleep. Steve being so kind offered her their washing machine for her clothes, but she declined.

It was clear Steve was only being neighborly and he clearly didnt noticed the discuss look on Willa's face as they talked.

"Come on Rogers." Willa says pulling him by his jacket.

"Oh.. I think you left your stereo on." Sharon says and walked off.

"Right. Thank you." Steve says.

The closer he got to the door he heard the music and quickly grabbed Willa's arm pulling her with him.

"Where are we going?" Willa asks.

"Fire escape and through the window." Steve says.

"Why?" Willa asks.

"Why? Someone has broken into our apartment." Steve says.

"You are Captain America and can fight alot of people even without the shield. I have the power of the elements. I dont think any burglar would stand a chance. Besides what kind of burglar puts the stereo on?" Willa questions.

"Willa.. Please. Its just incase." Steve says.

"Okay. Lead the way Captain." Willa says.

They climbed up the fire escape and Steve opened the window going in first. He helped Willa through just as the music stopped and then began to play again.

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