Chapter 5

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Because Steve wanted to protect Willa in any way possible he sent her to Sam's house. In only a few days of knowing him Willa had already trusted him which Steve knew was hard for her.

But it was even harder to send her away without knowing if anyone would follow or hurt her.

"So he just told you to come to me?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. I cant really say why cause I dont know, but what I do know is Fury's death was no accident." Willa says sitting on the couch.

"If its too much trouble I can leave." Willa says.

"No its not too much trouble and I dont think Steve will like it very much you just vanished. He told me himself that he hates that." Sam says.

Willa was safe at Sam's and Steve was in SHIELD about to meet with Pierce the head of SHIELD. But Steve had worries he didnt know who to trust now.

Steve got to Pierce's office and passed Sharon with a harsh tone calling her Neighbor.

"Oh Captain. Im Alexander Pierce." Pierce says.

"Sir, its an honor." Steve says shaking his hand.

"The honor is mine Captain. My father served in the 101st. Come on in." Pierce says.

Steve followed him in and Pierce handed Steve a photo of him and Nick and talked about his past with Nick as Steve sat there and listened.

Steve followed him in and Pierce handed Steve a photo of him and Nick and talked about his past with Nick as Steve sat there and listened

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"Nick ignored my order and saved them including my daughter." Pierce says.

"So you gave him a promotion." Steve says.

"And I dont regret it. Captain, why was Nick in your apartment last night?" Pierce says.

"I dont know." Steve says.

"Did you know it was bugged?" Pierce asks.

"I did, because Nick told me." Steve says.

"Did he tell you he was the one who bugged it?" Pierce asks.

Steve looked at him not knowing what to say next. So Pierce decided to show Steve one of the pirates that they had picked up. Pierce then gave intel about how the pirates were paid from a verity of fake accounts one leading to and old address very close to where Nick's mother had lived.

"Your saying Nick hired the pirates? Why?" Steve asks.

"A theory being that the sale went sour and that lead to Nick's death." Pierce says.

"If you knew Nick Fury you would know that isnt true." Steve says.

"Why do you think we're talking?" Pierce questions.

He got up and informed Steve that Nick wanted Pierce to take a spot on the Council. He continued to tell his story as he looked at the window before turning to Steve again.

"Captain, you were the last person to see Nick alive. I dont think thats an accident. And I dont think you do either. So Im going to ask again. Why was he there?" Pierce asks.

"He told us not to trust anyone." Steve says.

"Us? Oh right the Stark girl. Maybe I should have a word with her as well then." Pierce says.

Steve's hand clenched into a fist. He was not gonna let anyone from SHIELD go near Willa.

"He said not to trust anyone." Steve says again.

"I wonder if that included him." Pierce says.

"Im sorry. Those were his last words. Excuse me." Steve says grabbing his shield.

The faster he gets out of there the faster he can get to Willa

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The faster he gets out of there the faster he can get to Willa. Something about Pierce and the conversation left a bad feeling.

"Captain, somebody murdered my friend and Im gonna find out why. Anyone gets in my way, they're gonna regret it. Anyone." Pierce says.

"Understood." Steve says and walked out.

Steve got into the elevator his thoughts and as the elevator went down more men got into the elevator. All holding their weapons close as if they were ready to attack. Steve wasnt an idiot as more and more people came in. He knew what was happening. He was next.

They all attacked him, but there were no match for the Captain. Steve fought back and got them all knocked down but one.

Whoa, big guy. I just want you to know, Cap this isnt personal. And dont worry I'll make sure the Stark Girl is well taken care of." Rumlow says.

He then went to attack Steve and hearing what Rumlow said especially what he said about Willa pissed him off. Steve fought back and knocked him out as well.

"It kinda feels personal. And non of you will get her." Steve says to himself.

As the elevator opened there were more men there so Steve made the elevator go down. Steve jumped out the window and got to his motorcycle.

A quinjet then started shooting at him and Steve with the use if his SHIELD and destroyed it and ran off.

Back in SHIELD they were holding a meeting saying that they had to keep an eye out for Steve Rogers because there is a manhunt for him. Pierce came in to tell them them that Steve knows more about Nick's death and that he wouldnt share.

"So if you hear anything or see anything you must let us know. Also we need someone of you to be on the lookout for Willa Stark as well we all know he can trick her on to his side. With Rogers do whatever is necessary, but no harm to the girl. So as of this moment Captain America is a fugitive of SHIELD." Pierce says.

Some of SHIELD's agents were in disbelief and others seem to want to do what Pierce wanted. But the question was what would anyone really do the moment they got their hands on the Captain? Another question is why do they want Willa so badly?

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