Chapter 10

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Steve was in shock Willa had just blown up the car still inside it. But now wasnt the time to stop he had a job to do. The mask guy saw both him and Nat and fired a grenade at them.

Steve blocked himself with his shield being knocked off the highway and into a bus. Up above Sam and Nat were being shot at by the HYDRA agents.

Sam ran through the cars avoiding being shot and Nat shot back only to being shot at more and knocked down to the same level Steve was at.

Finally knowing where Steve was the mask shooter was about to aim at the bus knowing the shield couldnt help him. But Nat shot at him first.

The masked Solider made it clear for the others to go after Steve while he went after Natasha. The men the started shooting up the bus and lucky for Steve he got out in time and got his shield.

Sam above went after one of the agents firing at Steve and knocked him off and then began shooting at others who were aiming at Steve.

In the car that was burning Willa was slowly crawling out of it. She had learned that her powers couldnt harm her in ways as it would others. She heard the gun shots and noticed Sam shooting down at people.

"Where's Steve and Nat?" Willa asks him.

"You're alive?" Sam questions still firing.

"Steve is right there." Sam says shooting at another person.

Willa used her powers to blast a man who was aim at Steve away as Sam shot another. Willa then jumped down on the the next level of the street causing the man who was aiming at Steve to stop for a moment. That gave Steve the opportunity to knocking him down.

"You're..." Steve says.

"Yeah Im alive and Im fine." Willa says.

"God I thought... I dont know..." Steve says.

"Hey you guys we are in the middle of something." Sam says.

"Right we should..." Steve says.

"Find Nat." Willa says.

"Yeah." Steve says.

Willa and Steve both went to find Nat who was now being hunted by the solider. But Nat out smarted him with a fake voice call. This distraction was about for Nat to attack the solider.

But he was too strong and knocked her down. She then threw one of her magnetic disks at him and ran. Once he go it off he shot her. Nat was sitting on the ground looking around and saw nothing until she heard him.

He jumped onto another car and aimed at her,but before he could shoot he was blasted back by a gust of wind.

"Get him I'll get Nat." Willa says.

Steve went after the man who was to as equal strength as him. Willa got to Nat and noticed she was bleeding.

"Hey you're going to be okay." Willa says helping her up.

Willa then noticed how Steve was equally being matched. She was about to use her powers to get the man away when something hit her in the back.

"Ahhh!" Willa screams in pain.

Her scream got Steve's attention for a moment, but he had to quickly fight back against the man. And when he knocked the man down and got his mouth piece removed. Steve then knew who it was he hold pal.

"Bucky?" Steve questions.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" Bucky questions.

He was about to shoot at Steve when Sam kicked him away. He looked at Steve again for a moment about to shoot again when Nat fired a grenade at him. Then he was gone.

"Steve." Nat says.

Willa was still screaming in pain on the ground. There was some sort of device planted in her back.

"Its okay. I'll get it off." Steve says.

He had to pull it off of her quickly and when he did she screamed even more. Once it was off of her he broke it with his shield and held her in his arms her head rested on his stomach.

"You're okay." Steve says.

Though now it was too late for them to do anything. Nat was shot, Willa could barely move, Steve was still in shock over Bucky and worried for Willa. This is what got HYDRA to them. They circled them and one placed a gun to Steve's head.

"Put gun down. Not here not here." Rumlow says to the guy.

"Get them in the car. I'll take her." Rumlow says.

He roughly grabbed Willa away from Steve and there was nothing Steve could do, but watch Willa be taken away from him.

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