Chapter 12

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The launch was happening very soon and there was only a a short period of time to stop it. As Pierce was giving the council members pins to stick on Willa came running up with them crying.

"Willa? What are you....." Pierce says.

"Captain America is a liar and a traitor." Willa says catching her breath.

"He stole that device that was made to help control my powers and when it was taken off and now all I feel is pain." Willa says to them.

"In more ways then one. Pain of betrayal, but the pain after I used my powers when it was taken. He's coming and he wont stop. He'll want me. Please dont let him get me. Please." Willa says.

She had tears streaming down her face and everyone looked at her.

"We wont let that happen dear. I say we take her with us just in case." The council woman says.

"Yes of course. You'll be safe with us, Stark." Pierce says.

They went up to the conference room as Steve along with Maria and Sam went to the control room.

"She's good." Sam says.

"Well she is a Stark after all. Every dramatic." Maria says.

Once they got to the control room everyone there backed away from them not wanting to fight or harm them. But in the conference room Pierce was talking to the council about how time has come for project Insight.

"Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard alot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think its time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was. Its been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I dont know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. They made a device that hurt Willa Stark if she isnt under their control. And it wont stop there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know Im asking alot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And its a price Im willing to pay. And if Im the only one, then so be it. But Im willing to bet Im not." Steve says before turning off the PA.

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam asks.

Back in the conference room the council members were pissed off at Pierce, but he had some helpers come in so he had a say in what was going to happen next.

Agents were fighting one another on the count that those who werent with HYDRA werent going to help them. The carriers were heading up which meant that Steve and them only had so much time left.

Taking down HYDRA wasnt going to be easy as Steve and Sam were being shot at as they tried to get to the carriers.

"No." Willa says looking out the window.

"Ahh so you knew." Pierce whispers to her.

"Let me ask you a questions." Pierce says walking over to one of the councilmen.

"What if Pakistan marched into Mumbai tomorrow and you knew that they were going to drag your daughters into a soccer stadium for execution, and you could just stop it, with a flick of the switch. Would you? Wouldnt you all?" Pierce asks them.

"Not if it was your switch." One of them says.

"See now that is a good person and if I had my powers in work you would be so burning to death right now." Willa says.

"But you dont and cant for several more hours. But dont worry when this is all over everyone of your little team members will be gone and your precious little powers will be under my control." Pierce says going over to her.

"You wont lay a hand on this girl or take any part of her powers." A councilmen says.

Pierce just slightly chuckled as one of his goons gave him a gun. Piece was going to shoot the man when the female councilwomen began to fight and attack all the STRICK members in the room. Once they were all knocked down the fake face and wig came off.

"Im sorry did I step on your moment." Nat says.

Back outside Steve and Sam where being shot at fighting their way to get the chips on the carriers. Sam almost had one when he was sent on a detour.

Steve however got word that he had 8 minutes left to stop it all. Though back in the conference room Nat was on the computer disabling security for SHIELD files dumping all the secrets onto the Internet.

"If you do this, none of your past is gonna remain hidden." Pierce says.

"Shut up. Nat dont let him get into your head." Willa says.

"Yes listen to the child who hated you at one point. Cause the 20 year old knows whats best for you. Are you sure you're ready for the world to see you as you really are?" Pierce asks.

"Are you?" Nat questions with no hesitation.

Out on the field Steve was about to disable one of the carriers and Sam was finally able to do his own which meant that there was one left.

"Disabling the encryption is an executive order. It takes two Alpha Level members." Pierce says.

"Dont worry. Company's coming." Nat says.

As right on cue a helicopter landed and in walks Nick Fury.

"Did you get my flowers? Im glad you're here, Nick." Pierce says.

"Really? Because I though you had me killed." Nick says.

"You know how the game works." Pierce says.

"What is with villains and thinking taking over the world is a game. Such a bunch of losers." Willa says.

"Willa go to Hill. We got it from here." Nick says.

Willa nodded and left the room as they talked about they had the same enemies. And Pierce thought he could out smart Nick with having his eye scan gone, but Nick always had a back up.

"You have six minutes." Maria says to Steve after shooting HYDRA agents.

"How is is? Is it done?" Willa asks walking in.

"Not yet." Maria says.

Sam had to get Steve to the final and last carrier and after Sam was taken down by the Winter Solider so all that was left on the carrier was Steve and the winter soldier.

Now it was two old friends facing one another. One on the side of good and one forced to be bad. Steve would never hurt his friend, but will he even get the choice not to?

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