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it's only Tuesday in this yikes. I managed to make Monday like five or six chapters

Katsuki was walking through the Yuuei campus Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima next to him, Kirishima was talking about some vigilante he'd seen on the news. Katsuki was listening, if only barely. He was bored already. And being bored was not good, it made his mind run.

"Bakubabe! Come see this picture I took!" Mina called, waving her phone. He turned to her, she had already pushed her way between him and Kirishima. "Look. Look" she had a smile that promised nothing but mischief. He stared at the phone screen. It was a photo of him and Kaminari sleeping on the couch. His face warmed significantly. Kaminari was lying across Katsuki's lap, mouth open, and Katsuki had a sleepy smile.

"Fucking delete that racoon eyes" He growled.

"Delete what?" Kaminari piped up, Mina's grin widened, if possible. She showed him the photo, Sero also seeing in the process.

"Send me that" Kaminari said, face matching Kirishima's bright hair. Katsuki groaned.

"Fuck you"

"I'd fuck you too" Kaminari responded before realizing and sputtering out random words. The others laughed. Katsuki wanted to laugh too, but his stupid body wouldn't let him. He was covered in Their hands, itching and shivering. So he just scoffed. Villains deserve to hurt though.

"Stupid" he muttered to himself, yet those around him interpreted it as directed towards Kaminari.

The loud group hadn't quieted even a little by the time they made it to the classroom. Mina and Sero separated to sit down, avoiding the Iida Morning Lecture about sitting before class starts. Kirishima and Kaminari followed Katsuki to his seat. Kaminari hadn't really talked to him much the whole walk and it was eating Katsuki from the inside out. Did the boy hate him now? Did he think Katsuki was a villain? He didn't notice breath hitching. The two next to him did.

"Bakubro...? You good?" Kirishima asked, hesitation clear. Kaminari huffed.

"What he meant to ask was: what's up?" He fixed before leaning closer and lowering his voice, which Katsuki mentally thanked him for. "You're not having another 'episode' are you, Katsuki?"

"I'm fine, Dunce face" He replied before lowering his voice so only Kaminari would hear "I only fucking have them on Mondays" Kirishima got the hidden message in their quiet conversation and left to sit down .

"I'm not sure if your trying to be funny or actually serious" Kaminari muttered looking worried. Katsuki smirked to keep up appearances

"Little bit of both"

"Do you wanna take a walk with me? It clears minds" Katsuki nodded, hesitantly.

"Aizawa might give you a detention" He murmured

"I doubt it, Katsuki, I doubt it." Kaminari cheekily grinned and Katsuki gave a smirk back. it was the most he could do with so many people. "Let's go then" Katsuki stood, following Kaminari to the door. Eyes followed him and he frowned, turning to glare at them.

"Katsuki, comeon" Kaminari called to him at the door, voice low but still within most people's hearing range.

"I'm fucking walking" he replied.

He followed Kaminari out to the hall and spotted Aizawa walking towards their class at a zombie's pace. Katsuki smiled inside. Both of his safe people were with him. He followed the discount Pikachu closer to his teacher. Zoning out on whatever they were talking about in favor of rubbing his skin. Villains deserve to have these feelings though, right? Honestly, Katsuki had believed that his whole life, but now that he was dealing with them combat wise, he didn't understand the mentality. Villains needed saving more than they needed arrest. Maybe they were fake villains, he was just the worst one.

"Katsuki, let's go" he blinked, staring at the hand in front of him Kaminari had a worried face. He grabbed the hand reasoning with himself that it was just so Kaminari wouldn't get lost.

"Tch" he looked away from the cute boy.

"Aizawa said we could take a walk as long as it's less than ten minutes so let's take nine an' a half" Katsuki grinned

"Fuck yeah" They walked the halls, using their phones as a time measurement. Katsuki had let go of Kaminari's hand a few minutes in, his hand sweating too much for it to be unnoticable. It was actually a nice , calm walk, helping Katsuki clear his head and feel better. The repetitive thoughts of him being a villain left, although he knew they'd come back. He listened to Kaminari's realization about them not finishing the essay and assured him that the essay was due friday. All was good. This was, at least, until Kaminari checked the time

"Oh shit! It's been like eleven minutes. We're dead!" They both sprinted for the classroom, grabbing the corner of the hall to turn faster. Both laughed as they ran. Hearts racing. At the door of their classroom, they took a second to grin at each other before slamming the door open. Every occupant turned to them. Katsuki was out of breath, as was Kaminari.

"You're late" his teacher grumbled and Katsuki shrugged while the boy next to him apologised. "Anyways, it's a study period so as long as you're quiet, do whatever. Don't wake me"Katsuki and Kaminari split up to go sit down and Katsuki felt the rush from before start to settle down.

"K-Kacchan, Wh-Where'd you go?"

"None of your fucking business, shitty nerd"

"Yeah, did you beat Denki up?" Round face sneered. Katsuki flipped her off. Mina laughed from her seat, earning a glare from Uraraka

Katsuki shared a look with Kaminari.

If you're on the computer, do command/control 'f' and type in "Katsuki": the further to the end you go, the more it's used; there's 29 in total this chapter(not including this A/N)

*It's so confusing switching between typing Kaminari and Katsuki so I just use copy & paste for Kaminari's name*

Word Count: 981

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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