Chapter Nineteen: Anything

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This is my first fan fic.. So please, tell me what you think.. :) I would really appreciate it. :) Thanks :) <3

Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that this is copyrighted. :)



"I'm sorry, but I can't do this." I replied as tears began to run down my cheeks. I turned around and ran straight into the hospital.  


Chapter Nineteen: Anything

Paige's P.O.V.

I woke up in what looked like a hospital room, well duh I was in the hospital. Anyway, I looked down at my wrist and nothing... No new scars... Strange. If I didn't cut, then why was I here? Whatever. I looked around the room and saw a t.v. on the wall and decided that a little television wouldn't hurt. I turned it on the news, why? I don't know, I just did.

"YouTuber hospitalized after returning from a camping trip with One Direction's Harry Styles."


"Harry Styles ends it with Taylor, for the last time."

Really? No one cares.

"Harry Styles threatens to quit One Direction."


"Harry Styles becomes extremely distant after camping trip with YouTuber, Paige ends with her being hospitalized."

Do these people seriously not have lives? I changed the channel one last time.

"Up next, we have One Direction's Harry Styles, LIVE!" This should be interesting.

I waited for the commercial to be over so I could see what Styles had to say. When the news came back on, I saw him. He looked absolutely horrible; like he hasn't eaten or slept in days.

"And we are back! And we have Harry Styles here! So Harry, how have you been?"

"I've been better." he answered.

"Oh, have you seen Paige or heard how she's doing?"

"No. I haven't. I'm planning on seeing her today." Really? He does?

"The doctors have said that she almost didn't make it. How do you feel, knowing that she almost died right after you last saw her? What is the last thing you said to her? Do you know why she would have done something like this?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this." He replied as tears began to run down his cheeks. He turned around and ran straight into a hospital. WAIT?! Is that the hospital I'm in?!

I took a small glimpse of his arm, and what did I see? Cuts. Not small, little cuts, but long, deep cuts. And from the looks of it, there were a lot of them.

I called my nurse, who ran in quickly. I asked her to call Harry and tell him that something major happened. I wanted my awakening to be kind of a surprise. She said she would and left the room.

I stood up, fixed my bed and went to the bathroom to, well you know, use the bathroom and freshen up. When I walked out I saw a crying Harry laying on my bed.

Harry's P.O.V.

As I was walking into the hospital, a nurse came up to me. "Are you Harry Styles?" She asked. I nodded. "Please go to room 231. Something major happened with Ms. Paige and you are needed in there." I ran down the hall and into the elevator, then sprinted to Paige's room. I stared at the door for a few seconds, deciding what I would say to her. I mean, she must be awake, right? They wouldn't call me in here if she wasn't, right? I opened the door and looked around the room. The bed was nicely fixed and there was no Paige. I walked over to the bed and laid down facing the wall opposite the door and cried. She's gone. She's gone and its my fault.

"WHY?!" I screamed. "Why did I have to hurt her?! Why did I have to do this to her?! Why did I leave?! What have I done?! I killed the girl I love! I'll do anything to have my baby back in my arms! I love her!" I screamed while sobbing into her pillow.

"Anything?" Someone asked me.

"Anything." I replied with my face down into the pillow.

"First thing you gotta do is." The person started as they played with my curls. "Remove yourself from the bed so I can lay back down." I looked up, with shock written all over my face, and saw a smiling Paige. I sat up and ran my finger across her cheek, just to make sure it was really her. I stood up and, literally, smashed my lips onto hers, and of course, me being the manly man I am, I cried while kissing her. When oxygen became needed I pulled away and looked deep into her eyes.

She walked over to the bed and laid down. I sat besides her on the bed. I just stared at her, unable to accept the fact that she was alive and right here. "Secondly, you can tell me why you cut yourself, Mr. Styles." I looked at her in complete confusion. She noticed, rolled her eyes and pointed at my arm.

"H-h-how did you k-know?" I stuttered, smooth Styles, real smooth.

"I saw your little interview and I noticed it. So, you gonna tell me why you did it?"

"Well, the girl I love doesn't love me and she'd rather me be with someone else. She doesn't want to make 'us' work. Then she was found in her hotel room, passed out, holding a razor up to her arm. Now she's in the hospital and its all my fault." I explained, not looking into her eyes because I was embarrassed.

"Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, she loved you so much that she didn't want you to quit living your dream? Maybe she wanted you to be happy? And that maybe seeing the man she loves suck some other girl's face off hurt her. Did you think about that?"

"No. I'm sorry, Paige. I just wanted to make you a little jealous. I don't know you would try and hurt yourself. I'm so sorry. God, I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around me as I cried. "I love you, Paige. I love you so, so much." I looked over at her again and kissed her softly on her lips. It wasn't rough or anything, but it was full of love.

"HARRY?! I heard something happened to Paige! Is she okay?! What happened?!" Louis yelled as he barged into the room. Geez, ever heard of knocking?

"And don't think we didn't notice those scars on your wrist! Explain." Niall yelled.

"What? I got in a fight with a turtle." I replied calmly.

"Never joke about turtles!" Liam yelled, causing Paige and I to laugh.

"PAIGE! Your awake!" Zayn shouted.

"Yeah, but you don't have to shout. I'm right here." She laughed.

"Sorry" they all said.

"Paige, Harry, may I speak to you two, alone?" Someone asked. I looked past the boys to see the one and only...


Again, I am terribly sorry. This was written on my phone and its just to update.

The story is gonna be over soon, I give it a chapter or two. (:

I have a few more ideas for other stories. (: haha.

Thanks for reading, fanning and voting. Please, continue to fan, vote, comment, and read. Hah. (: <3

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