Chapter Eighteen: Its My Fault

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This is my first fan fic.. So please, tell me what you think.. :) I would really appreciate it. :) Thanks :) <3

Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that this is copyrighted. :)



"Lo-Lo-Louis!?" Niall yelled. 'I-I found h-her." I walked to the bathroom and there she was. Passed out on the floor. Paul was on the phone with an ambulance. We were all crying. She meant too much to us, even though we didn't know her long, she still meant a lot to us. We can't lose her. Not now.


Chapter Eighteen: Its My Fault

Harry's P.O.V.

"Paige is in the hospital." Paul told us.

"AND ITS YOUR FAULT!" Louis yelled.

My fault. Its my fault. Its my fault she's in the hospital. Its my fault.

"I'm going out.' I stated.

"You would. You would go! Just LEAVE! What happened to the Harry that said he couldn't lose her when he thought she ran away into the woods?! Well, he lost her! Go on, act like she means nothing to you! GO! NOW!" Louis yelled. I walked out of the studio and went straight to the club. Time to drown my sorrows.

Ring Ring Ri-


"Harry, baby. Where are you? I went to your place, and you weren't there."

"I'm at the club, Taylor."

"I'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

"Taylor.. fine whatever. Bye."

I hung up and walked into the club.

"Give me the strongest stuff you have." I told the man at the bar. A few glasses later, I was drunk.

I woke up and noticed that I wasn't in my bed. Where am I? Who is that? Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. This can't be happening to me. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

"Harry, baby.." I groaned. "That was amazing." she said.

"Taylor. That was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened. Look, I have to go." I picked up my clothes and began to put them on.

"How? How was THAT a mistake?" she yelled.

"It just was. Look. This has to end. For good. Okay? I'm going home." with that, I walked out of the hotel room, got a cab, and went home.

~A few days later at an interview~

"So, who here is single, and who is taken?" the interviewer asked.

"Single." Niall said.

"Taken." Zayn, Louis, and Liam said.

"Single." I replied. Everyone looked at me like I had just grown another head.

"What about Taylor? What happened?" the interviewer asked.

"It was all a mistake. I've made many mistakes and that was one of the worst ones I have ever made."

~The next day~

"So, Harry...."

"So, Louis...."

Yeah, thats a great conversation there.

"Umm... We are going to see Paige. You wanna... ummmm.. come with us?"

"No. I'll just stay here. You guys go."

"Oh, Okay.."

Alone. Finally, I'm alone. Now I can do it. Now I can releave it all. Watch it all leave my body. Now I know why she likes it so much. Its addicting. I love it. I love seeing the blood run down my wrist. Its an amazing feeling.

What would your fans say if they saw you like this? What would your family say if they saw you like this? What would Paige say if she saw you like this?

What would they say? What would she say? I have to see her.

"HARRY! HARRY! Can we have a word with you?" an interviewer asked me as I was on my way to the hospital.


"Up next, we have One Direction's Harry Styles, LIVE!" she said into the camera.

"Okay, we are just going to ask you a few simple questions." I nodded and forced a smile.

"We are back in 5, 4, 3, 2..." the camera man said.

"And we are back! And we have Harry Styles here! So Harry, how have you been?"

"I've been better." I answered honestly.

"Oh, have you seen Paige or heard how she's doing?"

"No. I haven't. I'm planning on seeing her today." I answered honestly.

"The doctors have said that she almost didn't make it. How do you feel, knowing that she almost died right after you last saw her? What is the last thing you said to her? Do you know why she would have done something like this?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this." I replied as tears began to run down my cheeks. I turned around and ran straight into the hospital.


Yeah. I started this on my computer, and I finished it on my phone. So, yeah. Haha. I'm on vacation, so I don't know when I'll be able to update again. So merry Christmas and have a happy new year. Oh, and I think that I might end this story in a few more chapters.

Well, it's almost 2 in the morning, so I'm going to bed. Good night! I love you guys. And don't forget to comment, vote, and share. Thanks for reading. (: <3

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