Chapter Twelve: Astral Accumulations

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*Jocelynn's POV*

(I decided this chapter would be better understood if it was in Jocelynn's point of view. Because of her situation, I feel that I could express the pain and thoughts in a much more subjective way if it was told through her eyes)


A familiar voice echoed in my mind. Emmett?

Fight back.

The cold water was slowly wrapping itself around me, suffocating me like a grand python torturing it's prey. My lungs burned more and more with each passing second. My arms and legs were numb, not sure if oxygen deprivation or the icy waters were to blame.

Josie, fight. C'mon!

Was this voice real or just a figment of my imagination?

My body went into full-blown panic mode. With the last bit of energy I could liberate, I flailed wildly in the water, hoping to resurface. I fought my way upward; Hope and desperation with a mix of adrenaline all swirled around through my veins. It felt like I was making serious progress until I realized I was sinking further into the water. The water acted as quicksand—the more I tried to fight out of it, the further I was tugged underneath. My body was tensing up and my lungs felt like Satan himself was strutting around inside of me.

My arms gave their last lunge and my legs gave their last kick before my vision started to disappear. There was a sudden onset of pain that covered every inch of my body and then there was nothing at all. No pain—No fear—No feelings.


'Hi mom, Hi dad.' I ran for them, they stood there smiling with open arms waiting for me. I ran and I ran, but the harder I ran, the father they seemed to get. 'Josie?' I could hear them call out. 'Josie, James needs you. Find him!' They were panicking. Where were we? Where was my brother?

The scenery changed so instantaneously that I almost fell over from the sudden onset of nausea. I was standing in the middle of an empty street. Everything looked horribly old, even the few people that strayed past were dressed in much older clothing. I took a step before I noticed a young woman who caught my eye. She was a beautiful blonde girl, wearing a pink evening dress with matching stockings. She appeared to be walking alone, with a distraught look on her face. Out of nowhere a group of men who were very obviously intoxicated came stumbling out of an alley way. The girl looked at one of the men and smiled as he wrapped an arm around her. Her fiance maybe?  He seemed to be going on about something that made her uncomfortable. As he waved his hands about, she was slowly pulling away from him. The group were coming upon an alley way just as the man who was holding the beautiful blonde slammed her against the building. She cried out in pain and I ran towards them. The more I ran, the farther away she got. All the men joined in and began ripping at her hair and her dress. She screamed and screamed for help. At one point, she seemed to be staring right into my eyes. I instantly felt tears welling up behind my eye lids. 'Stop!' I screamed at the top of my lungs. 'Stop! You're killing her!'  Tears fell down my cheeks and I ran at them again, only to be drawn further away from her. I fell to my knees and screamed at the top of my lungs. What is going on..

Once again, the scenery changed instantaneously and I was again left with a much worse onset of nausea then before. This time, I was standing in the middle of a heavily wooded forest. There was a tall man with jet black hair dressed in a red plaid shirt and worn down jeans. He was standing near some fallen trees and there was an axe lying near by.. he was a lumberjack maybe?  Just like the men in the city, this thing appeared out of nowhere. In the blink of an eye, a large black bear was on top of the man dressed in plaid. There was so much screaming and growling and blood, but all I could do was stand and watch. I knew what would happen if I ran at him, so I could just be a bystander to all of these horrible events. I fell to my knees yet again , and sheltered my head with my arms. I felt more tears coming, I felt so much confusion. Why was I witnessing these horrible things? Who are these people?  I screamed again, trying to block out the bloodcurdling screams of the man getting mauled and the growls of the bear who was killing the man. The bear disappeared as quickly as it had appeared and there was silence. I looked up to see a lady and a man, both with matching skin and hair tones, kneeling over the mauled lumberjack. I began to stand and the scene changed again. Each time the scene changed, the nausea got worse and worse. 'How much longer is this going to go on?' 

This time, I was standing on a beach. There was the body of a young girl lying there. Surrounding her body, were a bunch of people. There was the same blonde hair man as the woods; there was a skinny lady with short brown hair; there was a bulk man who seemed to be the lumberjack from the woods; there was a man whom I haven't seen before, he had curly hair and was tall. He stood next to the lady with the short hair , trying to comfort her. 'Do it.' The lumberjack shouted. The blonde hair guy just shook his head. 'I can't save her.' The lumberjack shouted again, as did the blonde. They started arguing as I sat in the damp sand and watched. 'Josie?' A feminine voice came from behind me. I spun around to see the familiar lady with blonde hair. 'Can you see me?' She asked. I nodded. 'Can you see me?' I asked in return. She quickly grabbed hold of my hand, pulled me to my feet, and began dragging me towards the crowd. 'You don't want this life.' She yelled as if she was frustrated at me. 'What are you talking about?' I asked. She shook her head as we got closer to the body. 'Have a look for yourself.' She pointed to the ground. Upon further inspection, I saw that the body was me.. I quickly spun around the face the girl. 'W-w-what's..' I began to stutter, but she cut me off. 'Tell Emmy that Rose misses him.' With that, she shoved me and I went tumbling backwards.

I was now lying on the beach. My back in the sand. I was chilled to the bone. My heart was racing. I looked around to see a familiar face staring down at me. It was Emmett.

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