Chapter Three: Unfinished Business

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Jocelyn and James got no sleep that night. They went over every possible explanation as to why their father was found in the forest behind their house when he supposedly died six months ago.

"James, shut up. It wasn't cloning." Jocelynn scorned as she sat on the window-side bench, glancing out the window.

"Do you have a better explanation?" James mumbled through a mouth full of salami sandwich.

Jocelynn sighed, staring out the window as the rain continued to fall. "Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe I was just.." Jocelynn shrugged as she trailed off.

"What the hell were you doing playing with a dead body in the first place?" Jocelynn glared at him.

James shrugged an shoved more of his sandwich into his mouth. "I dunno. Looked cool."

Jocelynn shook her head. "Real cool, James." She spoke quietly, more to herself than to anyone.

James shrugged. "It didn't look like him, Jos. I just-"

"I'm going to bed bub. See you tomorrow, alright?" Jocelynn said, her eyes wandering around the dark backyard.

James sighed through a mouthful of salami, and resided back into the hallway and down the stairs.

Jocelynn stared around the backyard, her eyes shifting from the ground the the lining of the forest. As she stood from the window side bench, something caught her eye.

Jocelynn looked again, blinking a few times. It was hard for her to see through the thick mirage of rain falling and splashing against the window.

She pressed her face against the cold window, trying to focus the image she saw. The moonlight shone down directly on what appeared to be a man standing there, looking up at her.

"No." Jocelynn shook her head, whispering out loud. "No no no no no." She dropped down the blinds, locked the window and shut her door.

"You're losin it, Jos." She whispered to herself as she crawled under the protection of her comforter.

For awhile, Jocelynn stared up at the dark ceiling, waiting for her nerves to calm down enough for her to finally fall asleep. Every horrid picture or dream she had ever imagined passed through her mind. The scene she had pictured her parents death looking like played over and over, each more horrifying than the last.

"There's no way.." She mumbled sleepily to herself.

Jocelynn rolled onto her side and stared at the dark closet door, almost waiting for the boogie man to pop out and steal her away. Slowly, she let her eyes fall shut, ignoring the possibility of being held hostage by an imaginary creature.

Once she finally lie dormant in the stage between being fully conscious and fully asleep, her nerves calmed and she was out cold.



The alarm rang throughout the bedroom, sure to wake everyone within a 6 mile diameter of the damned thing.

Jocelynn jumped awake, sitting straight up in her bed. Her heartbeat thudded in her ears as she calmed and realize it was only the alarm.

By the sounds of things, James and Aunt Delilah were already awake and downstairs. The rain had finally ceased sometime in the middle of the night.

Slowly, Jocelynn climbed out of bed, dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a hoodie, and headed downstairs.

"Morning Jos." Aunt Delilah forced a smile as Jocelynn staggered down the stairs.

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