Disclaimer Notice

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I do not own any of The Twilight Saga's original characters, content, or ideas including any of the Cullen's, Black's or Swan's, and the Volturi.

This is a FANFICTION meaning I am writing about something already made up.

This story will be a fanfiction about Emmett Cullen, his family, and how he finds love once again. The story takes place after a large war with the Volturi and Cullen's that resulted in the death of Emmett's former wife, Rosalie.

Please, do not expect extremely frequent updates as I am currently working on two other stories. I will update as frequently as I can, say once or twice a week. As my sophomore year of high school wraps up, I will have more free time to work on my stories.

Before reading, I'd like everyone to understand that Votes and Comments are both extremely important in a stories success rate therefore I'd like to encourage everyone who reads to leave a quick comment and/or vote. It shows us authors that people are actually enjoying our work and it encourages us to continue writing. Please note that the comment doesn't have to be a huge paragraph or even a full sentence. A few words really makes a difference.

Furthermore, please enjoy my story.

xx NormansMisstress xx

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