Chapter Nine: The Beginning

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Hello readers! Any thoughts on last chapter? Should I keep switching point of views or just keep going in third person?

*As much as  I love Twilight, the picture above made me giggle x)

Thanks for reading and voting! You guys rock!


"Jocelynn, what were you thinking walking 3 miles in the rain?" Delilah's voice echoed throughout the car.

"I just felt bad making him drive me all the way back home." Jocelynn spoke, lying straight to her Aunts face.

"Wasting a little bit of gas is certainly better than you getting pneumonia!" Her  voice was sharp with anger.

Jocelynn's hair was matted down from being soaking wet. In fact, she was completely drenched from head to toe. Someone who didn't know she  had been walking might think that she fell into a pond or something.

"It's water, it will dry." Jocelynns attention was focused outside of the car.

Delilah signed heavily, shaking her head in silence. After about 15 minutes of silence and tension, Delilah finally spoke. "You know Josie, theres something about that kid I don't like. I think you should stay away from him." Her voice was low and adenoidal. This was a dead giveaway she was lying or hiding something.

Josie's blood began boiling without control. Why did she get so angry over this? She knew her aunt was just trying to protect her, but her motherly-instincts got annoying as hell after so long. After all, they've only been living with her for a mere 6 and a half months.

Jocelynn decided that remaining quiet would be the best option, instead of lashing out and making the situation worse. She stayed silent the rest of the ride home, despite Delilahs numerous attempts to make small talk with her.

As soon as Delilahs car stopped in front of the house, Jocelynn hopped out with the journal tucked safely away out of sight, and angrily made her way into the house. The rain had let up a little bit, but the entire front yard was still a swamp nonetheless. Delilah beeped the horn as a goodbye and turned around in the driveway , heading back to work.

Jocelynn made her way upstairs and into her room, tossing the dampened journal atop of her bed. She disappeared into the bathroom to take a hot shower.




Twenty minutes later, Josie returned back into her room and sat down on her bed. She glanced out the window, silently listening to the heavy pitter-patter of raindrops hitting her window.

After she had dressed herself, she nestled herself underneath of her large comforter and opened the journal that was written by her father.

She skimmed the pages, watching large chunks of various information and different dates slid past her eyes. She finally came to the last entry and her heart stopped:

July 12, 2013

Human beings are such fascinating creatures. They go about their daily business as if their life is on repeat. Every day, doing the same grotesque things for the same reason- to survive.  Each individual with their own opinions and degree of self-worth. Sadly, I've grown ill of my boring, human life. I feel transformed. I feel improved. Anything is possible and the best part is, we don't have to fight anymore. No more wasting time on  unimportant matters such as eating and more time focusing on the things that matter most. My gratitude to you, Mr. Cullen, for you have changed my life in the best possible way.

Best of luck

Mr. Kimmel


So many thoughts were attacking her  brain at once. But one fact was very obvious. How did my father write this if he passed away on May 8?


Super short chapter, but super big cliff hanger.

Until next time, happy reading everyone.

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