Chapter Ten: Home Intruders

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Her eyes skimmed over the words of the journal entry over and over.

Boring human life...

Unimportant matters..

No eating..

The way he said 'human' makes him sound like he's some kind of.. nonhuman creature..

"What the hell.." She mumbled to herself as her eyes skimmed over the passage over and over again.

After rereading the message for fifteen or so minutes, Jocelynn sat up on her bed and closed the journal for the time being. She sat in silence, trying to completely ignore the mix of emotions that were overwhelming her.

Her feet swung lazily off the side of the bed as she sat in a daze, her eyes focused on the window. The journal sat on her lap, just waiting to suck her back in.

With a hefty sigh, she snapped herself back into the real world and opened the book again, skimming over its contents. It's pages were yellowed with age and the corners of the pages curled upward.

Jocelynn flipped to the page directly before the newest entry. This page was dedicated to Franz Mesmer and his hypnosis theory, written exactly a week before his death. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

She returned to the newest entry and something stuck out on the page like a sore thumb...

... Mr. Cullen...

Who was this guy and how do I contact him?

With another heavy sigh escaping her slightly parted lips, Jocelynn fell back into her giant pillows and let the softness absorb her.

The day was slowly fading into night. What little sunlight that shone through the dense rain clouds was quickly replaced by the clear night sky. The rainclouds had finally  passed on to its next victim and the darkening sky was clear as could be.

Jocelynn's room was cast into a comforting darkness with only the moonlight shining down onto her. The venue was completely silent.

Jocelynn knew her aunt would not be home until the very early hours of the morning. On Saturday nights, It was routine for Delilah to leave work at 8 pm, go to her friends house and then eventually come home slightly tipsy, but claim to be 'fine'.

Jocelynn caught herself staring at the large moon and before she knew it, tears were streaming down her face. She silently accepted the overwhelming emotions and so she cried.

She cried for her deceased parents, wishing they'd come home. She cried for her incarcerated brother. She cried for Emmett and all of the confusion he is bringing her. She cried for that boy she dated in eighth grade. And she cried for pet dog she had when she was in elementary school. But she especially cried  for herself. She cried because her parents wouldnt be around to see her or her brother graduate. She cried because she wanted her little brother's comforting sarcasm. She cried for how truly messed up she thought her life was.

And unbeknownst to her, she eventually cried herself to sleep.





Jocelynn awoke to the sound of her cell phone ringing loudly in her ear. With a groan, she untangled herself from the mess of sheets and blankets and grabbed hold of the device.

Out-of-area Number
4:53 a.m.

With another groan, she answered the phone, ready to reem out whoever was calling her. "Hello?"

"Josie?" James' voice echoed into her ear, quickly snapping her out of her anger.

"James? What's going on dude?" She asked, slightly relieved to hear that he was okay.

"Listen, I can't talk for very long but I overheard the Sheriff talking and well, that guy that we found in the woods.."

"What about him?" Jocelynn sat up in bed, anxiety making her heart thump loudly.


"Hello?! James?" Jocelynn screamed into the phone. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" She yelled at the phone before whipping it across the room.

Glancing at her nightside alarm clock, she shook her head. 4:59 am and she was wide  awake. Classes are going to be fun in the morning.

Jocelynn made her way downstairs into the noticeable cooler living room and kitchen area. Everything was dark aside from what little moonlight shone in through the windows. Jocelynn could only see what the moon permitted her to see. There was no sign that Delilah had ever returned from her nightly outings.

As she stepped into the kitchen, the freezing cold hardwood floor startled her, making her step backwards onto the soft carpeting of the living room.

Her eyes scanned around the kitchen and she noticed something that made her heart drop into her stomach. The side door of kitchen was wide open and hiding in the shadows was a silhouette of a man, standing nearly 2 feet in front of her.

Jocelynn's entire body froze up and refused to move. Everything around her started spinning. She heard nothing but the sound of her own heart beating erratically in her chest. Suddenly, she felt like she was falling. Before she knew it, she found herself lying on the cold hardwood floor, slipping in and out of consciousness. Footsteps were heading in her direction and she couldn't do anything about it.

With what energy she had left, she opened her eyes to see a tall, pale man with light blonde hair and an excellent smile standing over her. His lips were moving, but everything he was saying sounded like one giant hum. She tried to scream but that was too much, and with that, she fell into full unconsciousness.

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