Chapter Five: Sheriff Bryant

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I want to apologize for the previous chapters. When I first decided to write this fanfiction, I had tons of cool ideas and what not. But once I started writing it, I realized it would be a challenge. I'm having severe writers block with this story, so please excuse the craziness! I will better myself! Thanks for sticking with me through it!

"Emmett, I'm sorry but I have to get home. Something's going on." Jocelynn apologized as she stood from the table. "I'll see you soon, though. Thank you." Jocelynn smiled a sincere smile at Emmett as she turned to leave. A part of her felt terrible for bailing, but then again, it was just supposed to be a head start for the project they were assigned. Nothing more, nothing less.

Jocelynn was already at the glass door entrance when Emmett had grabbed hold of her forearm. "Hey. Let me come with you, alright?"

Jocelynn hesitated, considering to let him come with her. Sighing quietly, she shook her head. "I don't know if it'd be a good idea Emmett. Things are crazy right now and I don't wanna get you involved in this." Jocelynn slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out the door, Emmett right behind her.

"Jocelynn," Emmett spoke as he followed her to the car. "I don't feel comfortable letting you drive when you're this stressed out. At least let me drive you there." Emmett's golden brown eyes shone in the moonlight.

Jocelynn stood there in silence for a moment, contemplating whether or not to invite him along for the ride. After a few awkward silent moments, Jocelynn nodded. Emmett nodded with a grin and hopped into the drivers seat before Jocelynn had the chance to.

Jocelynn plopped herself down in the passenger seat and crossed her legs underneath her. Her small bag sat in between her legs. "Wait, what about your car?" Jocelynn asked as she snapped her seatbelt.

"I..walked here." Emmett grinned more to himself than to Jocelynn. Emmett quickly put the car in gear and headed out to the Cafe's exit. Jocelynn rested her head back against the seat head rest. "Tell me how to get there." Emmett spoke up as he turned onto the road.

"Oh, yeah." Jocelynn sat up and shook her head for a moment. "Uh, turn left on Viola and keep going straight."

Emmett nodded and followed her instructions. Viola was an extremely long, back road that not many people traveled on. There were small housing complexes at the begining of the road. The longer you traveled down it, the less houses you saw.

"So, what exactly did I decide to drive myself into?" Emmett asked with a small smirk playing at his lips.

Jocelynn sighed as she sunk back into the madness that was quickly becoming her reality. For a while there it seemed like her life was some-what normal. She remained silent for a second as she mentally decided how to put her thoughts into words without sounding like a lunatic.

"Well, the other day my brother found something in the woods that he probably shouldn't have. And instead of telling my aunt or I, he decided with it." Jocelynn glanced out the window up at the full moon.

"What was the thing he found?" Emmett asked, as if he didn't already know.

Jocelynn swallowed nervously, afraid to say. "Er.. a body." Jocelynn quickly glanced over to Emmett to see his reaction. To her surprise, Emmett seemed relatively normal. It was almost as if death didn't shock him at all. "But the weird thing is.. it looked just like my dad.." Jocelyn mumbled in confusion.

"I thought you said your folks weren't around anymore." Emmett said, almost in defense.

"I did, that's the weird thing." Jocelynn pushed some loose strands of hair away from her eyes. "But Emmett, it looked identical to him."

"Unfortunately, the dead don't come back to life Jocelynn." Emmett said in the same dull tone he did before.

"I know." Jocelynn murmured to herself.

The silence in the car was almost deafening to Jocelynn. She was convinced Emmett officially thought she was insane.

"How much farther down the road?" Emmett asked, as if that conversation had never taken place.

"It's just up here. Look for a red mailbox. Then turn onto the dirt road. That'll lead you to my aunt's house." Jocelynn whispered. Her voice was low and wispy.

"Hey." Emmett stopped the car in the middle of the road and looked at her. "What's wrong?"

Jocelynn shook her head and inhaled sharply. "I don't know whats waiting on me at home." Jocelynn shrugged.

Emmett nodded slowly and accelerated the car again. Jocelynn pointed at the red mailbox up ahead and Emmett turned onto the dirt road that led way back into the woods. Emmett drove fast, despite all the bumps and pot holes that were paved into the dirt road.

"If you break the dryshaft, you're buying me a new one." Jocelynn laughed as she held onto the safety handle above the door.

Emmett chuckled and nodded. "Deal."

The further we pulled onto the driveway, the more that came into view. As soon as Delilah's house came into, both Jocelynn and Emmett ceased their laughter.

Her yard was filled with police cars flashing their lights and blowing their sirens. Police officers swarmed in and out of the house and all around the yard. Bright yellow police tape boardered the house and the surrounding woods.

"Holy shit." Jocelynn mumbled as Emmett drove up to the police tape. Jocelynn jumped out of the car and stormed up to the police tape. She ripped it down and headed up to the house. "What the hell is going on?" Jocelynn screamed over the sound of the sirens.

"Josie," Emmett yelled as he jumped out of the car and trotted after her. "Not exactly how to talk to a police officer." He grinned at her.

Jocelynn cracked a smile as police officers began to surround her and Emmett. "Someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on here?"

A tall, tan man with blonde hair plowed through the rest of the group of police officers. "My name is Officer Bryant and I'm the sheriff. What business do you have here?" His voice was deep and intimidating.

"I live here." Jocelynn said short and sweet.

"What about him?" The sheriff nodded towards Emmett.

He opened his mouth to say something but Jocelynn spoke first. "Family friend."

Emmett glanced down at Jocelynn and nodded briefly.

"Your names?" Sheriff Bryant asked, eyeing Emmett down.

"My name is Jocelynn Kimmel and this is Emmett McCarty." Jocelynn spoke quietly, standing close to Emmett.

"And your relation to the others inside?" The sheriff was scribbling down everything Jocelynn was saying on his little notepad.

"James is my brother. Delilah is my aunt." Jocelynn focused on keeping her nerves calm and her responses straight to the point.

"How does he know the family?" The sheriff nodded at Emmett once again, eyeing him down suspiciously.

"He knew my parents." Jocelynn blurted.

Emmett shot a look down at her, before nodding at the sheriff.

"Well, Jocelynn is it, I've got some bad news for James here." The officer pointed to his police car.

Sitting in the back seat was James. He stared out the window right at Jocelynn.

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