Chapter Thirteen: Greetings

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Hey guys! Sorry it took way to long to update, I was working on my Death Note fanfiction the past few months. Anyway, thanks for sticking around! Happy reading and don't forget to comment and vote, it means a lot! 

Note: This chapter will continue to be told in Jocelynn's point of view

"Josie?" Emmett's voice called out. He looked genuinely confused, as if he wasn't expecting me to be alive right now. He was knelt down next to me, staring at me intensely. His eyes were narrowed as if something was extremely wrong. "Oh my god, Josie. You had me worried." He mumbled to himself as if trying to reassure that I was really alive right now.

My body was nestled into the sand; I could feel the grains sticking to every inch of my wet skin. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but I didn't exactly have the energy to worry about it right now. I barely had enough energy to breath. My eyes glanced around at my surroundings; the water was a murky bluish-green and seemed calm at the moment; the sky was dull with dark clouds scattered messily about; the beach itself was littered with driftwood and dried up seaweed; the smell of dead fish was enough to overthrow the entire militia of California.

"Josie, say something. Let me know you're alright." Emmett spoke again, this time falling from his knees to his behind.

My eyes moved from the messy beach we were trespassing on to Emmett. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but the instant I did I started coughing. Emmett jumped up from his seat in the sand and slid his arm underneath of me. As gently as he could manage, he quickly pulled me up into a sitting position, trying to ease the choking reflex. My lungs heaved as I wheezed, trying to catch my breath. Just as quickly as it came, the cough eased itself and disappeared leaving me out of breath and weaker than I was before.

With Emmett's arm still wrapped around my back,  I fell into him. My head rested on his shoulder while by body was tucked safely next to his. My breathing returned to normal but despite the fact that I could breathe properly, my lungs still felt as if they were on fire. I felt a migraine coming on, and every inch of my being ached. I was chilled down to the bone and shivering even though I was leaning on Emmett for heat. That's when I noticed it. He wasn't radiating any type of heat. He was freezing himself.

With a raspy voice, I tried to speak again. "Emmett.. you're freezing.." My voice was low and almost inaudible. I looked up at him only to see his face contort into something that looked like a mix of anger and sorrow.

"Well yeah, so are you. The water isn't the warmest this time of year." He chuckled, trying to play it off.
"Josie, let's get you home. You're going to wind up in the hospital if we keep lying here."

I nodded in agreement. He did have a point, that water was absolutely freezing, but even my skin wasn't as cold as his. I shook it off while Emmett stood up and pulled me to my feet. Maybe my body's hypothalamus was all contorted due to almost drowning.


The ride home seemed long and blurry. The instant he got me into the jeep, he blasted the heat which made me even more exhausted than I already felt. With my head rested against the car window, my eyes fell shut and I began to dose off. Although my head bounced off the window with every bump we hit, I managed to stay asleep.

I was standing in an empty field. Everything around me seemed black and white. "Josie, can you hear me?" I turned around to see the same blonde girl who spoke to me on the beach. Despite everything being in black and white, she was the only thing in color. "Yes I can hear you." I responded to the girl. "What's your name and how do you know me?" I asked curiously. She smiled at me, but remained silent for a few moments. "You'll learn all about me in time. If you tell Emmy I said hello, I bet you'll learn things much more quickly. The only thing I have to say is that life isn't what it seems for you, Jocelynn. Don't make the same mistake I did." 

"Josie? Wake up, we're almost to your house. I'm sure your aunt is going to be furious." Emmett mumbled.

As soon as Emmett pulled into the driveway, I already knew hell was going to break lose. Aunt Delilah was already sitting on the porch, waiting for me to come home. Emmett looked over at me with a nervous look on his face, I just shrugged in response.

"You have the energy to argue with her, or would you like me to do the honors?" A grin tugged at his lips as he spoke.

I smirked, but shook my head. "I think I can handle it from here, thank you." I mumbled as I opened the door and tried to climb down. Right before I hopped down, I looked over at Emmett. "Hey, uh.. Rose wanted me to tell you hello." I spoke with a soft voice, almost embarrassed to say the least. Why did I tell him that? This girl was a figment of my imagination and I just told him that she said hello. I mentally scorned myself. I looked back up at Emmett to be greeted by an emotion I had never encountered. He looked confused, but angry. He looked resentful, but sorrowful. And worst of all, he looked lost. With a dull grin, I said my goodbyes and hopped out of the jeep.

My feet landed in a giant pool of sticky mud. With a sigh, I sloshed through it as I kept my eyes on the ground. "Now if my legs don't give out.." I whispered to myself.

Delilah was on her way towards me and she did not look happy at all. "Jocelynn! Do you think its okay to not answer your cell phone? Do you understand how worried I was?" Her voice rang in my ears but I stayed silent as I made my way to the porch and stepped through the front doors.

"About time you got home. We were just worried sick." A familiar voice called out to me. My head shot up to see if I was hearing things or not.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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