Chapter One: The New Guy

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(Please Note: Jocelynn is in college and majoring in Foreign Literature. Sorry in advance for the slow start! Hope you keep on reading!)

*Note; the house above is Jocelynn's Aunt's house

"Alright class," Professor Melvin sauntered around the overly-crowded classroom, eyeing everyone down. "Welcome to your sophomore year of Foreign Literature."

Jocelynn Kimmel sat directly in front of the Professor's desk, staring blankly at a clean sheet of notebook paper sitting in front of her. Her desk was located directly in front of Professor Melvin's desk, like it was the previous year.

"Now, as you may have remembered from last semester, we will begin the year by studying Chinese literature. Does anyone know what the Chinese value over everything else?" The professor asked, grinning to himself.

Almost everyone in the class ignored the professor's question, except for a tall man who had dark, curly hair and Jocelynn.

"Family, sir." The man spoke before Jocelynn could. His voice was deep and soothing to the ears. Everyone in the class turned and stared at him, for they have never seen him around the campus before.

Jocelynn took a certain interest in the stranger. It wasn't every day a new student came along and joined a second year foreign literature class. A new student meant a new opportunity for a new friend.

Jocelynn casually looked over her shoulder, eyeing him down for just a moment. In that moment's glance, the man caught her eye and flashed her a small grin. Jocelynn returned her attention back to Professor Melvin biting on her inner lip.

"Correct, Mister.." The professor trailed off, questioning the stranger.

"McCarty, sir."

"Ah, yes. Well, Mister McCarty welcome to the class."

McCarty nodded and returned to the open book that lie on his desk.

"As a kickstart to the year, I want everyone to write a paragraph or so telling the class about their families. You have fifteen minutes. You may begin." Professor Melvin declared as he returned to his seat, his hands shuffling through a rather large pile of papers.

Jocelynn tapped her pencil on the side of her desk while trying to put her thoughts into words. She began;

"My name is Jocelynn Kay Kimmel, although my family knows me as Josie. I have one younger brother and we currently live with our Aunt Delilah. Six months ago, my parents went to Washington to interview a doctor in that area, because they were both medical scholars. We received a call a week later saying they were both killed in some sort of power plant malfunction. My brother and I were devastated and still are. It especially hurt my brother due to how close everyone was.."

"Time's up!" The professor declared, breaking Jocelynn's train of thought. "Jocelynn dear, would you like to go first?" Everyone in the class seemed to think of Jocelynn as the class pet, and she could clearly see why.

"Sure, professor." Jocelynn took stand in the front of the classroom with her paper shaking in her hands.

Jocelynn had always been particularly good at public speaking and presentations, but not so good when she was the first to be called upon.

As she began, she choked on her words. A part of her hoped the class would believe her incoherent babble was because she wrote about an incident that only happened six months ago. Although it happened so long ago, the wounds still stung.

As she wrapped up her presentation, she looked up and stared at the class's sorrowful faces. She knew talking about the accident made her peers uncomfortable, especially since her parents had studied at this very college.

"Any questions for Miss Kimmel?" Professor Melvin's voice was less cheerful than it was at the start of the class. Jocelynn waited patiently, holding the notebook paper tightly in her hands. To her surprise, one hand went up into the air.

"Ah yes, Mister McCarty. Go ahead." Professor Melvin exclaimed.

"Do you happen to know the name of the doctor Mr. Kimmel interviewed?" McCarty asked.

Jocelynn was taken by surprise. "Oh geez," Her fingers nervously fiddled with the paper in her hands. "I think his name was Carl.. Or maybe Carlisle." Jocelynn shrugged, her cheeks flushing. "Something like that."

McCarty just nodded. His face seemed much more tense than it had when he first asked the question.

"And now, how about.." Professor exaggerated his words as he looked around the room, mentally nominating the next presenter. "McCarty." The professor nodded at him.

McCarty took the stand and began his presentation.

"My name is Emmett McCarty, and I'm nineteen years old. I, uh, don't really know much about my real family. I jumped from foster home to foster home until I turned eighteen. The only thing I know about my real family is that my father was a doctor."

With that, Emmett handed his paper to Professor Melvin and returned to his seat. Jocelynn's eyes traveled with him as he regressed.

"A doctor, eh?" Josie thought to herself.






"James!" Aunt Delilah's voice echoed throughout the quiet house. "James! Come here please!" Sighing, Aunt Delilah started up the stairs in search for her nephew. She tapped a couple times on Jocelynn's door before she answered.

"What's up Auntie D?" Josie teased as she leaned back against the door frame. She knew how much her aunt hated being called that.

Aunt Delilah sighed once again,crossing her arms in the process. "Josie, please don't call me that. Can you go find your brother and tell him dinner's ready? I think he ran off into the woods again."

Though she was worn out from her first day back in the scene, she nodded and grabbed her jacket and her mud boots, preparing for the long journey into the woods.

Aunt Delilah's house was located in the middle of no where, surrounded by nothing but miles of dense woods, rivers and cliffs. There wasn't another house for miles. Knowing James and his curiosity for explosives, he was out somewhere lighting bee's nests on fire.

As Jocelynn started walking through the dense covering of trees, she noticed footprints pressed into the mud. The only problem is, they were too large to belong to her fifteen year old brother.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the beginning. I know it's a slow start, and there's not a whole lot of interesting things going on, but I really wanted to get a little bit about the characters in here.

I really hope I can live up to your guys' expectations about this story.

I know exactly what I'm going to do with it, I just hope I do a good job portraying the characters and their problems.

Stay tuned!

As always, don't forget to fan/comment/vote!

xx NormansMistress xx

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