Chapter Two: Not-So-Dead

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Curiosity and worry overcame Jocelynn as she jogged through the woods, following the freshly imprinted mud.

"James? James!" She ran through the forest, dodging trees and tree roots as she ran.

Jocelynn's eyes traveled toward the ground as she ran in the direction of the foot prints.

A second set of footprints emerged from the trail, heading in a different direction. This set was much smaller. Based on how deep the print was, whoever had made them was much lighter than the first set of prints. Josie decided to follow the second set of prints in false hopes that they belonged to her brother, James.

The farther she ran into the forest, the more panic bellowed throughout her body.

James was never this stupid.

James never ventured out this far.

James wouldn't disappear without notice.

Jocelynn slowly came to a halt in attempts to catch her breath. She pressed her back against a tree, just as it began to pour.

Sighing, she pulled the hood of her jacket over her head and ventured on. The rain barely hit her due to the dense treetops forming a canopy over her head.

"James!" She could barely hear herself over the pit-patting sound of raindrops hitting the trees.

That's when she heard it. "Josieee!" The scream echoed throughout the Forrest, meeting her ears with ease.

Josie took off, heading in the direction the scream came from. Her feet stomped in the mud as she dashed through the forest, searching for her brother. With each step she took, mud splattered all over her pants.

"Josie!" The screaming was closer now. This motivated her to run even faster.

"James, hold on!"

Every possible bad scenario rushed through her head as she ran.

James was about to get attacked by a bear. James was about to be kidnapped, or worse, murdered. James was on fire. James came across an alien probe.

When Josie burst out into the clearing she heard the screams from, she was not prepared for what he saw.

James was kneeling down, poking at a dead body.

"J-James.." Josie said as the rain came bursting down on her almost like a bucket of water had just been dumped on her head. "What did you do!?" She screamed, running to her little brother.

"What?" James shook his head, laughing. "I didn't do it, I found it! Isn't it interesting?" James proceeded to use a stick to pry the mouth open.

"James!" She grabbed him by the arm, yanking him away from it. "We have to go call the police!" Josie's voice was unsteady and filled with horror.

What the hell happened?






The usual silence was replaced by the sound of police and ambulance sirens.

The usual darkness of the night was replace by the red, white and blue flashes of police cars.

"What exactly happened, miss?" The first responding officer questioned Jocelynn as they stood on the front porch of Aunt Delilah's.

The rain had lightened up and eventually stopped by time the police arrived, but that didn't stop the air from hanging heavily around Jocelynn, almost suffocating her. 

Josie took a deep breath, pushing her sopping wet hair away from her face.

"My aunt, the lady who owns this house, told me to go look for my little brother. He's always disappearing in the woods. I don't know what provoked him to go out that far, but he did and that's when he found the body. Instead of being scared, he decided to poke at it." Josie choked out her words, trying her best to recall exactly what happened.

"Anything else?" The first responder asked.

Josie shook her head and sat down on the porch swing. She looked at her brother who was standing near the police car being questioned by another officer.

The first responder took a seat next to her, staring off at James.

"The thing I don't understand is how my aunt didn't notice the people running through here. There's no other houses for a good couple miles."

"How do you know they ran through here?" The officer asked, his bright blue eyes greeting Josie's.

"Footprints." Josie said, absentmindedly pointing in the direction she saw them.

The first responder and ambulance technicians got the body from the forest and investigated the footprints. Both pair disappeared at some point in the trail.

The officer interviewing James released him and he ran over to greet his sister.

"You do realize you're going to be prime suspect, right? Josie said, irritated.

"No I'm not. I'm fifteen, José." James chuckled as he pinched Jocelynn in the side.

"First of all, stop calling me that! This is not the time to be joking around! If they don't find any other fingerprints on that body, you're in serious shit."

"Josie, calm down-"

"No! You need to realize how much trouble this could cause!" Jocelynn screamed, a little too loud.

One of the police officers heard and ran over, asking if there was something they weren't telling him.

"No, officer." James and Jocelynn said in unison.

"Follow me, please." The police officer said as he monitored for the two to follow. Once they got by the police car, the sheriff took their fingerprints and hair samples. After he finished, he told the two to wait there.

Both James and Jocelynn stood by the police cars, waiting for the EMT's to recover the body from the woods.

Just as two men began out of the woods, Jocelynn caught glimpse of the corpse's face.



What do you guys think so far? In open to suggestions because I'm not 100% sure where I'm taking this story.

In your own opinion, what do you think the real story is behind Jocelynn's parents death?

Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to comment/vote! It means a lot.


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