Chapter 5: Winter Wonderland

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Hope you all had a good start to school if you had Monday off- if u didn't, well, sucks for you! Jk.
Honestly though, am I the only one who thinks school should end in March???
Well enough with that- shoutout to @greenflire281 for inspiration of this idea!
Now...Brace yourselves- Winter Wonderland is coming(hehehe see what I did there)

Things were starting to get interesting.
We all sat around in Percy's cabin, Annabeth looking as if she had walked through a fire, Leo smelling of multiple perfumes, and Merida was still shaking a little from her encounter as a human dart board. Nonetheless she could still be evil, as I was about to experience.
"Elsa, truth or dare?"

I thought for a moment. Merida wasn't one of my closest friends, but I knew her well enough that a truth wouldn't satisfy her. I sighed, knowing I was going to regret this.

Anna, Kristoff, and Rapunzel all exchanged different looks of surprise. It's not really like me to be outgoing. Merida smiled as if she had planned this.

"I dare you to ice over the throne room of Olympus."

Everyone either gasped or 'ooo'ed. Yep. I was going to die today.
Up on Olympus, (please don't ask me how we got there) the gods were all in the dining hall, eating tacos that had somehow mysteriously appeared in there. Wink wink.
"Ok, let's get this over with." I whispered.

Merida had the video camera this time.
I sighed and willed frost from my hands. Slowly but surely, a layer of frost had covered the entire throne room, some even creeping up the walls and onto the bottoms of the thrones. I tapped my foot on the patch in front of me and a thin ice spread out onto the floor. I heard sequels from behind me.
"It's just like in the movie!!!" Leo's voice echoed in the large empty room.

I turned and gave him a quizzical look. His face turned bright red and I saw a few strands of his hair starting to steam. Suddenly, there was a loud boom and the door slammed open.
"Those tacos were good!" A voice called.

My face went paler than usual. I ducked behind a throne, as did everyone else.

"Is it colder to you in here?" A feminine sounding voice said. I saw Annabeth's face darken. Footsteps grew nearer. Not soon after, loud shrieks pierced the air along with thuds.

"KHIONE!!!!!!!!" What I guessed was Zeus's voice rattled the walls.
There was a chill in the room.

"What??" A feminine voice snapped.

"Did you do this?" Zeus replied, sounding scarily calm. I peaked out from behind the throne. Zeus sat on his butt with his legs sprawled in opposite directions. He really looked like an overgrown kid upset at an ice rink. Khione looked around, clearly impressed. I saw three other gods sliding around on the slick ice. I guessed by their appearances that it was Hera, Poseidon, and Hephaestus. Khione turned to Zeus.

"Just because it's ice, doesn't mean it's me! Get that through your thick skull!"
She disappeared in a puff of snow, leaving a slight chilly breeze behind. Zeus looked like he was about to zap someone with a bolt of electricity. I signaled to Percy that we might want to leave now. He nodded and we all started for a small door.


I didn't look behind me to see who had spoken.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::We now sat in Percy's cabin, panting like we had run a marathon. Which we kinda had.
"Well. That was fun." Merida chirped.

I looked at her as if she had grown two horns out of her head.

"Sorry! But I got the whole thing on video!!" She patted the video camera and smiled. I just shook my head and turned my thoughts to other more important things.
Like who to choose next.
I didn't know many of the demigods, and Merida had already gone. Then the perfect idea hit me...

Ooooooo who's next! Please leave dares and truths for me to use!!!! Sorry if this one was kind of short.
And Follow!!
Have a great rest of the day guys;-)

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