Chapter 13: Sizzle Sizzle

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Hey hey hey everyone!
So I decided to put in some godly dares....
Hope you enjoy!


That last dare I actually didn't mind doing, I used to do the smolder (aka my secret weapon) to almost every attractive girl I ran into, at least until I met Rapunzel. Either way, it was my turn, and even though I didn't know that much about Frank or Travis, but I did know that Travis's dad was Hermes the messenger god. That was pretty much all that was going for me.

"Hm...Travis, truth or dare?"

He didn't even hesitate.

Come on Eugene think! Something awesome.

"I dare you to deliver a message to one of the gods."

Travis looked really confused.
"Um, ok?"

"There's a catch."

"Oh good! For a while there I thought that was all I had to do!"

I rolled my eyes.
"The message has to be something I get to write. Hey Percy can I borrow some paper?"

"Yeah sure."
He grabbed a piece off of a desk.

"Oh, um, do you have a pen?"


He pulled out a ballpoint pen from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Thanks bro. Ok so now Tr-GAH!!!!"
Almost instantly as I had taken the cap off of the pen, it sprang into a gleaming bronze sword!


All of the demigods started laughing their heads off.

"Dude I totally forgot! That's Riptide, my sword. It takes the shape of a pen when you put the cap on."
Percy managed between laughs.

"Well ha ha very funny. Can it turn back into a pen?"

"Oh yeah you just touch the cap on the hilt."
Annabeth said catching her breath.

I did as she said and watched as the sword quickly shrank back down into a pen, this time with a glittering point. I began to write my note, the golden ink adding to the shiny effect.

"Alrighty now Travis, here's the note."
I folded the paper and handed it to him.
"I want you to give it to Zeus and say it was from your dad."

Travis nodded and started to unfold the paper.

"Uh uh uh! No peaking!"


Before he had left, Leo hooked him up with a hidden camera in a smiley face pin that went on his shirt. We watched as Travis entered the throne room to Olympus. Even though I had only been there for the dare Elsa had to do, it still blew me away even sitting on the floor at camp. Zeus sat high up on his throne arguing with Poseidon over something. Neither one noticed him as he approached. Travis cleared his throat.

"Eh hem."

The yelling continued.

"Eh hem!"

Still yelling.


They both turned and stared at us, looking bewildered that we had been standing there for so long.

"Oh, um. Sorry you had to see that. So uh, Travis. What brings you here today?"
Zeus questioned.

"Well, I was uh, just delivering a message from my father."
Travis handed the note to Zeus. It looked like a tiny dot in his hands. He seemed to be having trouble reading it too. We watched as he shrunk down to human size and read the note. I had to hold back a laugh as his face turned from normal, to pink, to red, to almost steaming.

"Travis. Is. This. Some. Kind. Of. Joke?"
Zeus slowly grew larger.

"It was uh, I um, my dad gave it to me?"
Travis was literally shaking. Zeus unhinged his mouth.

The yell shook the whole room. Dust and ceiling fell from the roof.

A man appeared next to the thrones. He had winged shoes that fluttered feverishly and a pole with two green snakes wrapped around it.
"What is it now Zeus?"
He sounded super exasperated.

Zeus was literally shaking with anger.
"What is the meaning of this?"
He thrust the flimsy paper at Hermes who took it calmly and read it.

"I never wrote this! But whoever did was right on the money."
He said laughing. Travis joined him but quickly shut up when Zeus gave him a menacing stare.

"Why Zeus, I think you have been pranked!"
Hermes said before disappearing in a flash. Travis gulped.

"Travis. I will give you 15 seconds to get out of Olympus before I blast you to shreds."

"One, Two, Three, Four..."


Travis barley made it back to camp, we laughed watching the video feed bounce up and down. Every once and a while, thunder would rumble overhead and Travis would shriek like a little girl.

When he finally made it back to the cabin, his clothes were steaming and sparking with electricity. He sat down next to his brother and shocked him.

"Dude watch it there!"

"Fine fine. Before its my turn, I need to know what that note said!"

Everyone turned to me.

"It said Dearest Zeus, I would like to congratulate you on becoming the worlds biggest airhead and godly lightning rod. Keep it up!"


Oh poor Travis...
Oh well!
Sorry for the longish wait you guys, I feel really bad. :-(
Please forgive me!!!!!!!
And vote!
And Follow!
See you later guys. Have a great rest of the week!

{pssssst! Are you still here? Just saying that that wasn't the last godly dare...}

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