Beauty & The Beast

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Blackmail & threaten to find love that's true

Shallow, desperate & clingy like glue

Chase only beauty & in lust you have trust

Pink lips, rosy cheeks & blue eyes a must!

Make her your mother, & your private little angel

If you think she'll leave, pretend to be suicidal

That's healthy for sure, she IS your personal saviour!

Redemption and excuse for all your bad behaviour

Beauty meets Beast and Beast turns handsome

Happily ever after, now he gets to get some

Story ever told, bad boy meets good girl and gets saved

She loves him, no matter how brutally he misbehaved

Want her to be your spark and save you from the dark?

Reality says the little fish is always eaten by the shark

Childhood sob story why you don't treat women well

Cursed, wronged, hurt and endless excuses to tell

If you've got mommy issues, go see a therapist

Don't burden some poor girl, you need a specialist

These excuses fly in fairytales and fan fiction

Something terribly wrong in you self depiction

Gonna ride on a white horse & save you little prince

Little piece of advice that's going to make you wince

Stand up on your two little feet and save yourself

Stop needing her to find your sense of self

Don't expect a woman's soft heart, soft touch to heal

That trope has already lost its trashy appeal

Maybe let's try love stories with individuals saving themselves

Build healthy relationships that aren't codependent as hell

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