Burnt Fingers

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He held onto it till his hands were burnt,

Holding on to hatred was a skill he learnt

He held on till he knew no anger greater,

He nurtured it till it grew larger & hotter

He stabbed his flesh & awaited their death,

He aimed to seethe in pain till his last breath

He roared in rage to anyone who listened,

Hatred, rage & misery had him imprisoned

He lost his away, his balance, his peace & joy,

In the hands of mighty wrath, nothing but a toy

His wrongdoers had their tranquil life untouched,

They lived in harmony with glee, undisturbed

Anger & hostility rob you off your peace,

Wrath & animosity, both are deadly disease

Secret is - the opposite of love is not hatred,

It is apathy, a powerful tool long underrated 

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