Develop your poems - Lines

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Write the actual linesPretty self explanatory, now you start writing. Get creative, you now work on the language, imagery and other components of the poem. You can decide what words you'd like to use. What words would convey your message the best? You can choose if you want to keep the poem simple or make it complicated. You can choose to be dramatic with your wording or imagery.

You can choose to be direct or indirect with your messaging. That is, you can make your poem mysterious by making your message no so obvious or you can do the opposite by being very honest & straightforward. You can write in the first person, the second person or the third person. You can change the perspective in any way you want. You can write from the perspective of animals or mother nature. See my poem for example.You can build a scene using imagery visually descriptive or figurative language. Describe the characters in your poem, if there are characters involved. Or you can describe the setting of the poem, if it exists. You can use metaphors, analogies, example to drive your point. See my poem for example.

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