Snow White

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away

The crooked old lady had dared to say

Maybe if it was in a pie with some ice-cream?

The hogger's requests made her scream

The old lady left and brought back a pie

Ready to help the fairest of them all die

But Snow already got Kylie's spray tan

It's safe to say she's an obsessed fan

Mirror sighed, bemused and amused

Snow's hot mess had left him confused

Anorexic barbie couldn't wait anymore

Pie fully eaten, she began to snore

Florian kissed the silicone sleeping Snow

Staring at his blue eyes, she landed a blow

Cause it's 2020 and consent's important

Even when drunk, drugged up or dormant

Sick of murder attempts, she dm'ed the queen

Told her she's behaving like a hormonal tween

Sent her a joint and a link to a Self love blog

And told her to stop being such a female dog

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