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Atsumu pov :

No one changes, they make the same stupid mistakes and get the same punishments, but still do it again. I don't understand why though. Isn't it boring? I always do different things. I don't like things staying the same. 

Yeah at school I usually do the same thing, but after school, I do many different things. I go out with friends, go to parties, all sorts of things. 

I'm not known as the type of kid to do these things at my school, but I do. I just chose not to act like that around my classmates. I don't know why though. It's honestly getting tiring acting like I'm a calm and collected person when I'm really just a loud kind of person. I like to be around people, but I chose to be alone at school. 

I don't want to keep playing this quiet kid at school anymore. 

Maybe I should drop the act and be myself now...

I don't even know why I started the whole act. I don't have a reason. 

My home life is great. I have my twin brother, yeah we argue but we still love each other. He's always there for me and I'm always gonna be there for him. 

I have a mom who is caring and loving. She always makes sure we're okay. She's supportive of me and my brother being bi. She's never favorited one over the other, she loved us both equally. I'm proud to have her as a mom. 

Our dad divorced our mom, but they still get along. He moved to America so we don't see him often. We visit him in the summer though, we go there for a few weeks then come back.

When I think back on my life, I wonder what made me start my act. Why do I act one way at school, but another outside of school. 

Who cares actually. Why do I need to figure this out. 

 I got grounded so I can only write while im at school because my step-mom took all my devices away. sad times. But I hope this is okay for now guys. I have testing this week so it might be a while till the part 2 is done but ill write when i can. 

Love you guys 

- keariah

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