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Sakusa pov:

Work was hell today. Why do people insist their right all the time when their not? There were two customers who wrote down their order and gave me the paper. Well before I get into that, I work at a coffee shop. It's a small one but it does good business so it works. 

Back to the story, the customers wrote their order on a paper so I made their order. Then when I gave them their coffee, they said I made it wrong and said I didn't add something. But get this, what I "forgot" wasn't even on the fucking paper. So how the fuck did I "forget" it?! All I did was tell them that it wasn't on the paper but since their idiots- or sorry Karens, they asked for the mAnAgEr. Okay whatever lady, anything to get you the fuck out of the shop.

After work I walked home annoyed, hungry, and tired. I decided to eat tomorrow as it was late and I have to clean the house today. I took the long way home today. I didn't wanna go home. when did I ever? Usually Komori would be here to hangout with me but when we got to work he has an emergency to attend to so he left. So I'm on my own today. I pulled out my phone and decided to do what I always do to relax, listen to music and smoke. But sadly I had so cigarettes left so just music it is. "Choke" by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME came on. It's a good song. 

About 30 minutes later i was home. I walked into my house and took off my shoes and went up to my room. I was tired of wearing my uniform so I quickly changed and went downstairs to clean because even though its not very dirty, it was driving me insane. I couldn't deal with it anymore, to me it looked terrible.


After I finished cleaning the house I went back up to my room to play some games. I decided to play cakewars on minecraft. Why? No idea but the urge came and so I did it. It was about 3 hours later of cakewars that I decided I would go shower. could I have eaten within those 3 hours? yes, but I didn't feel like going through the effort to get food. 

I showered and layed in bet listening to some music on my phone while I cleaned my room. It was very messy and cluttered. Sadly, my family was coming home tomorrow, which means my peace and quiet would be gone.


After I cleaned my room i went to sleep. There was school tomorrow, but I probably won't go. It's pretty boring there and I have no reason to want to go. I'll just go to the skatepark and practice some tricks on my new board i got last week. 

                                                                      || next morning ||

I woke up to the sun shining on my face through my window. I sat up and  went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth while I was in there. I went back to my room to see my cat laying on my pillow. 

"Well hello khat where have you been?" I asked while petting him. He was an orange tabby cat I got a few months ago. He's a 6 month old kitten. He likes to hide under the couch and bed a lot so I leave his food out when I leave if I can't find him before I leave. My phone then went off. I looked at it, it was Komor'is sister calling me. 


Komoris sister



Okay cut to the chase something happened what is it? You don't EVER call me on your own phone- like ever.

Yeah haha... well I called to tell you Komri's in a coma....

...I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right... can you please repeat that...?

You heard right Kiyoomi...


Hello friends! Guess who's back? ME- I'm finally back :). I hope this chapter is okay- I wanted to do more but I'm having writers block. But I promise I'll get a better chapter out. I just wanna say how fucking happy I am. were at 9.1k reads. It's insane. So thank you all for reading this fic even tho it really sucks :'). I hope your all doing well! 

Love you guys <3

- Keariah

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