BONUS - 11.5

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My breaths were ragged, and despite the hand trailing over my back that kept me down, I couldn't help but push myself upright. It was a relief, honestly, after so long of distancing himself, I'd take this even if it had conditions. For the first time maybe ever in my presence, Victor was bare, I could tell by the sweet skin contact I rarely got from him. He still didn't want me looking at just how many tallies he'd amassed, but I could feel them pressing into my back as I leaned into his chest.

My arm came up and around, my fingers smoothing over the back of his head to assure he'd remain close. And despite crossing into a grey area he left undefined, Victor didn't seem to mind all that much. A dazed smile pulled on my lips when he pressed a kiss to my neck, tilting my head back for him as his hand snaked around my abdomen. I couldn't help but shudder, keeping my eyes closed for his sake. I doubted I'd be able to see much from this awkward angle, but it was still worth putting in the effort.

I took hold of his hand as it reached my chest, holding it -- and him -- in place as I relaxed back into him, my breath stuttering as he sat back on his heels. He stayed in that spot until I stopped shaking, keeping my nerves in check as my already scattered mind went haywire. "Get dressed," Victor whispered, kissing behind my ear as he prepped me to stand. I stayed there a moment, allowing him the privacy to dress as I collected my thoughts once again.

"You got something in mind?" I breathed, running my own fingers over the spaces his had been, tracing over the sensation. "Or are you letting me tag along again?" My breath hitched when his hands smoothed over my back, dipping my head as I closed my eyes and relaxed into his touch.

"Let's have some fun," he suggested above my ear, placing a short kiss to my hair. I was still bitter about Martin and the fact that Victor wouldn't tell me where he was, only that I wouldn't see him again, and he was still torn over losing Carmine. The funeral was a few weeks ago, but he seemed to share my capacity for dwelling on the negative, at least for short bouts. I opened my eyes after he kissed my shoulder, grinning as he nodded me to my closet. "C'mon, get dressed."

I only stood after he realized he may need to help me, his hands leaving my sides once he deemed he hadn't screwed my legs into jello. "So what kind of fun are we having? I sit in the car while you murder someone or are we actually doing something mundane?" I smiled when Victor chuckled, and though he'd been initially distracted with getting himself ready, he came to stand at my shoulder, rifling through my hangers with more interest than I'd had.

He surprised me when he pulled out one of my dresses, after all, even though he work dark dress suits on a regular basis, I only did formal on occassion. It wasn't technically formal, but I had dressed up quite recently, for Carmine's funeral. "This'll work." I stared it over for a minute before turning my curious gaze to him, my unasked question going unanswered as he handed me the dress and kissed my temple. Leaving the room shortly after, I was only able to trail him with my eyes as I shook my head.


There's something you must know about one Victor Zsasz; he is cold, rutheless, has a sense of honor a mile wide, and he tortures people for fun. All things aside, he has killer humor. At Mario's wedding, he let me see a side of him that completely contrasted all of that, except maybe the humor; it was like watching him come alive. It was mostly the disco that had done it, surprisingly enough. So it shouldn't really surprise me that his intentions fell along those lines.

I'd already been drinking for about half a day when we got here, all the same I allowed Victor to fall into his crowd before I joined him, taking residence at a booth as I turned over a glass of whiskey. I could see the brightly lit, multi-colored floor from here, able to watch as Victor sunk into his scene. And while it was so terribly out of place with the rest of his personality - like me - it worked. I sat here for the duration of three drinks, time was real fuzzy with me these days, before he edged out of the dancing people, dancing his way over to me.

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