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Zsasz was in a much better mood than the antsy one he'd been in since Andromeda arrived. Once I had started to unlock the door, he pressed a kiss behind my ear. "Who knew you were such a quick study," he hummed, encouraging me forward when I took a moment to enjoy the attention. Taking a deep breath, I turned the key in the door, surprised at the silence in the house.

It quickly made sense, though, as Andrew had Andromeda laid on his chest and they'd both fallen asleep. "Who knew the stiff was good with babies," he tacked on as he studied the two. It was only now that I notice her hair was the same bright red as Andy's, lighter than my own dark red.

"I'll put her down, go take a moment." I closed my eyes with a smile as Victor's hand drew over my head, waiting for his touch to leave me before walking around the couch. I carefully got Andromeda's head secured before I began attempting to move her, her little fists twitching as she adjusted to the movement. Once she laid on my chest she went right back to snoring, hoping I could get her to sleep some more in the crib Victor'd gotten her before she decided she was hungry.

As I crossed the room I watched as he carefully removed his shirt, mild bruising all along the right side of his abdomen. I laid Andromeda down on her back before walking over to Victor, carefully examining the wounds he gained in this incursion. Once he noticed my interest, he turned for my view, his chest now a wide array of fresh, pink and red tallies. If there was one thing the downfall had been good for, it was his ability to fix the itch before it even became a problem.

"I was proud of you today," he commented, allowing me to scan him over. "How'd you work that out with Gordon?" I met his eye a minute and shrugged, dropping his stare again as I reached out to run my fingers over the digits. Like it usually did, his skin twitched under my fingers, needing a moment to adjust before he was a willing participant.

"I didn't. I didn't speak one word to him." Victor frowned but took my cheek in his hand, running his thumb over my temple.

"Even if you didn't set that up, you handled it pretty well. I'm still proud." I smiled and took hold of his wrist as I took a step forward, relaxing as he kissed the top of my head. "I'm glad I was able to install some sense into your brain." A small giggle escaped me, meeting his eyes a short second before pressing my lips to his.

"I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you. You don't get to put me through childbirth and just die before I had the chance to dish you something." I loved the grin that pulled on his lips, the high from today greater than any of the others, even the initial one at the Iceburg Lounge. The fact that he was encouraging the behavior really didn't help, but I'd bask in his adoration as long as he gave it to me.

"Go take care of the stiff, make sure he doesn't stay like that for a couple more years." I chuckled and shook my head, slow about leaving his reach but my steps quickening at the look that came to his eyes.

"Hey," I breathed, trying to rouse him with movement rather than noise. "We're back." Andrew groggily came to, nodding as he stretched and noticing the lack of maybe seven pounds on his chest.

"Kid still sleeping?" I nodded and sat beside him as he woke up, watching him yawn and trying to pass a horrible wave of guilt. After practically wishing that I'd let him die, he'd come back home, to my knowledge he was unaware of what I'd done while on the virus.

"The spare room has been yours for the past four years, it's still yours if you want it?" Andy yawned again and shook his head, unknowing if he was shaking it clear or turning me down for a moment.

"I wasn't alone while I was away, I got people I need to check on." I nodded with a light smile, studying the familiar, slow process of my brother gathering his awareness. I opened my mouth but as if reading my mind, his pointed gaze fell to me. "I know where to come if I need help, Luci. I promise I won't be a stranger."

With an appreciative smile I wrapped my arms around him, feeling like I didn't deserve to be his sibling. "Stay safe out there." Shortly after Andrew locked the door behind himself, I felt the weight of Victor's stare, a small grin pulling on my lips. It didn't take long before the feel of his gaze was joined by that of his lips, pressing to my temple as he hoisted himself over the back of the couch. "Why'd you refrain from killing Gordon?" I asked gently, sliding my legs under his so he hovered over me.

"Because you would've reacted poorly," he chuckled, dark eyes full of selfish intent.

"So if I wasn't there and he still made that offer, what would you've done?" I tempted, one brow raised in curiosity.

"I don't know," he huffed, dipping his face close to mine as he ran his hand up my side. "Would the outcome really matter?"

"He's the glue holding what's left of the city together," I informed, somehow just barely noticing that he hadn't put on another shirt. "Take that away and we'll descend into the chaos you were in the middle of earlier. No good outcomes."

"Well it's a good thing you were there," he hummed, spending no more time on words. I didn't mind, pulling his body down to mine after he claimed my lips. We weren't close like that for very long, infantile cries filling the air before anymore clothes had the chance to be discarded. Victor chuckled against my neck, kissing the spot he'd been focused on before lifting his head to meet my eyes. "I'll take care of her, you deserve the break." A smile pulled on my lips shortly before he kissed them and stood, watching through the doorway as he lifted Andromeda from the crib and cooed at her.


Victor wasn't sold on this plan per se, but it's partly why I waited until he was gone and Andrew could babysit again to go to the GCPD. They were lively, and if I looked around I could see soldiers, actual soldiers and not just the police turned malitia. It gave me the sense that things were starting to take course around here. I caught the eyes of Harvey Bullock before anyone, all the other cops either too busy or to excited at the prospect of rejoining the mainland. He was cautious as he approached me, eying me warily the whole way. "What can I do for you, miss...?"

"Doctor," I corrected. "We didn't meet properly the other day, but my name's Lucian Cane." He looked me over once more, a different source of recognition in his eyes.

"I heard of you," he mumbled as he recalled whatever memory he bore. "You're the doctor that worked under Falcone before he retired."

"That would be me," I nodded a bit sheepishily. "I has hit by the Tetch virus when it swept through, it took some time to recover, but I'm ready to return to my post."

"Harvey!" We both turned at Gordon's commanding voice, a soldier with a goatee trailing just a step behind. When his eyes landed on me, he took a moment before instructing Detective Bullock to take the soldier to his office and that he'd shortly join them. Once they'd stepped out of earshot, Gordon rested his hand on his hips and turned over my presence. "What can I do for you, Dr. Cane?"

"It's more what I can do for you," I countered, a light smile to my lips. "After what happened at Haven, I couldn't sit back any longer. I'm turning my apartment into a clinic, if you know anyone who needs medical attention, send them my way and I'll take care of them."

Gordon studied me a long, hard moment, trying to pick out a lie on my face, likely not finding a speck of dishonesty. "Thank you."

"It's the least I can do, most people wouldn't have done what you did, let alone for someone like him." With a grateful smile, I handed him the slip of paper I'd written my address on. "It's time I got back to work." Since neither of us had something we seemed to need to say, I took my leave, quickly making my way back home.

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